Farewell Everyone

Was this just a really long “I quit because of the multi-boxing software ban” post?

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Yeah with some stuff about being in the armed forces thrown in for brownie points, apparently.

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Good luck and have fun

Pretty much this. OP using real health issues to get some sort of response or pity because cheating is no longer condoned by Blizzard. No real honest and good person would post something like this without realizing the implications. Its pretty sad a human being would stoop this low just to get some responses.

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Unfortunately you missed the point and hadn’t read my previous clarification. Hope this clears things up for you.

Wall of Text crits you for 200k

How to fill up 7 pages with nothing of merit. Host, every college stoner.

I do enjoy when multiboxers comment about how much money Blizzards going to lose when they leave etc…I’m willing to bet that multiboxing is probably in the top 3 reasons people have been putting for quitting recently so they finally decided it’s no longer worth keeping them around compared to lost sub revenue from the people quitting over it.

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I’d take that bet.

I don’t use Social Media much but you piqued my interest with the removal of the post by your alt earlier in this forum. Finding myself with time to kill while ingest modules are running for one of my hobby projects, I did the unthinkable…

I made my own link diagram of your alts, suspected alts from other accounts based on matching data, your name and server changes, various timestamps for reference, dungeon/raid progression, but most importantly a catalog of the the lies you’ve spread and constant antagonistic negative engagement you’ve had with the player base on a multitude of characters. Don’t worry I won’t be distributing it, that would surely be a violation of the EULA & COC. ( º﹃º )

For someone that harasses other players, you leave a huge digital footprint of identifiers spread out across these forums and affiliate websites that use Blizzard APIs. I took the liberty of dropping a selection of your posts in a speech and tone analyzer as well which confirmed my initial assessment of you (as well as assisting in the identification of your alts on the forums, and delineating likely associate toons & guilds.)

I recommend you cease this activity, seek professional help if warranted, and find something less negative for others if this indeed provides you with eustress.

While not as good as the commercial version, it might behoove you to drop your prior correspondence in the free version of Watson’s tone analyzer. I’ll check on the forums from time to time and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out we can set up an external dialogue.

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I truely hope you find peace and solitare with your future endeavors. Sad to see your post and trama you have suffered… Take care <3

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Im not ashamed of posting on multiple characters, but okay. Most of my posts on alts are due to me engaging in different topics, thoughts I forgot, or running out of likes. Ill list them for you. 2 paladins, a mage and a hunter. Weird suspect post man, Honest good person BTW.

lol. People who use their own alts to like their own posts are sad.

Posting on alts and liking your own posts being a weirdo are two different things. I meant liking other peoples posts, but whatever.

You literally made your hunter’s forum account for the sole purpose to give likes to the rude posts in this thread, but yes, whatever.

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sorry to hear that. probably not saying anything that hasn’t been said, but I think you have to blame people botting, too. I understand not everyone multi-boxing bots, but the few that did made it look really bad. Of course, all the forum complaining contributed.

Also, good lord people are toxic. What kind of scummy person do you have to be to come in here and dismiss what he’s said and attack him, make accusations against him, make fun of, etc.? Do us all a favor and jump off… never mind. But really…

Anyway, sorry to see you go. Hopefully you can find something else fulfilling in WoW’s place.

Sometimes people just post to write what they are feeling. It can help. It’s why people keep journals and such. Sometimes people also post just to vent, even if there isn’t any other purpose or anything that can be done. I’ve done it before. Sometimes I write something huge and just delete it as well. It still fulfills my need to express myself. Not everyone has some selfish motive. What wrong with you guys?


Pretty much all it comes down to. If you can’t enjoy WoW without multi-boxxing then… You may need to find a new game anyway because holy hell. If you wanted Blizzard to see this then you should have mailed them this, but on the forums… no one cares that you’re quitting. I know I don’t. Just shut up about it and go.

I seldom hold sympathy for people who try to pander to people’s empathy for clout. It’s uncalled for. You’re not the only person struggling day by day here bud.


Don’t speak on behalf of others, thanks.

And clearly you don’t. In fact, you seem rather upset about it… which is weird.

“Shut up about it and go”? Oh boy. I’m pretty sure people don’t take orders on here, most certainly not from you. We know, you’re trying to be really mean though… to further enforce what a crappy person you are (being).


A “I can’t cheese the game anymore so I’m quitting” type of mindset deserves ridicule. He has to play like a normal person now so he’s quitting? Get outta here with that garbage.

Clearly you are a healthy individual.
This is a video game.
Take some deep breaths.