Fallen charger running looks off

I like the look of the Fallen Charger mount and all but what keeps me from using it is the odd stutter up and down it has when running that makes it look like glitching. It had a normal run animation the other day but then it started back up again. I never had this issue with a mount before and wonder if anyone else has this issue

There’s some funky mount problems going on since the last patch. Get on a proto-drake and see what happens to your camera.

I know that doesn’t really answer your question, sorry.


This makes me really sad. And the proto drakes run differently for some reason too, like they are working harder than they used to.


Nah don’t be sorry. It’s good to know that this actually has been a known issue

Horses across the board have had kinda wonky animations for many years now and have had rotating bits of oddness, ever since they tried to merge some rigs. I think it started around WotLK or Cata. Go log into vanilla classic and look at how horses and paladin chargers run… it’s more smooth and natural than on retail.

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The heavenly golden cloud serpent used to put the camera angle so the mount is dead center so your whole screen is the tail flapping in your face. None of my other cloud serpents were like that.

Not sure if this was fixed, but what a disappointment it was not being able to use it after grinding out that mount.

Yep. Like the purple version of the Warlock Legion class mounts. The green and red are normal. The purple one suddenly runs slower and looks like it’s gliding on the ground.

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