<Fair Enough> 10/10M STABLE GUILD LF TANK + DPS

Looking for exceptional dps!

Recruitment is open for exceptional players of any class.

Would love to find a solid boomkin, warlock, hunter, or mage!

Ra-Den down!

Looking for ranged dps with current mythic experience.

Bumping for ranged dps!

Would love a boomkin, warlock, mage, or hunter!

Ilgy down!

Looking for competent ranged dps with current mythic experience.

We’d love to find a couple more ranged dps!

Looking for exceptional ranged- closed to melee

Carapace down!

Looking for exceptional ranged and heals

We’re looking for skilled ranged dps and heals for Shadowlands.

We’re recruiting the following:

  • warlock
  • resto shaman
  • any exceptional ranged dps

Still looking for some exceptional raiders for SL!

Still looking.

Looking for ranged and heals

Still recruiting!

Looking for a warlock and disc priest or rshaman