Failings of New Customization

Odeargod :rofl:

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For starters you claim the entire point of your argument was to be against the this vs that

But you were the first one to start that for instance so how are you now claiming your intent is the opposite of that?

All of that seemed very hostile and to not just me you were replying to several people so again if you can’t see that, that is more so a you issue.




Now you’re moving goalposts to try to create some “gotcha” moment.

And absolutely none of that was hostile. Nor was it “right from the start.” In fact, that particular line was after others started getting defensive and misunderstanding me.

If you can’t recognize the difference between making a joke and hostility, no wonder you and your friends dogpile people around here so often.

You twist things into what doesn’t exist and create villains out of nothing.

Yes. Really. That’s called a joke. Not hostility.

If you don’t understand what someone is saying, ask first, instead of attempting to make them into some villain.

And with that, I am finished derailing this thread. You all want your last word to make you feel better about how you treat others, then go for it. But all I’m seeing is the same typical behavior from the Belfs who jump on people all the time.

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Are you sure you were joking about the belf crying thing, since you go on to state belfs jumping on people as usual?

If you truly were joking, I am sure you can understand how people wouldn’t know that given tone is often lost in online posting.


I haven’t chimed in this thread due to all the drama but I can say with certainty that most people don’t try to villainize others while being the villain and saying stuff like people are crying just because they have different wants or opinions from you isn’t a good look so I don’t buy the whole it’s a joke thing.


As a blood elf player, I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s a really big shame and frustrating that some try to push on us that jewelry makes for good customization. To a lot of us, it definitely doesn’t. It should have been transmog for pretty much all of the races. When I did play the game, I didn’t use any of those options myself, but I’m speaking for myself in saying really, I wish we got a far better pass.

Given void elves now can look exactly like a Horde race & Blood Elves have no unique theme, unlike the options of void elves, I hope for a second theme, particularly Dark Rangers and/or San’layn customization for sure. Felblood elves would be a great and/or for customization as well. I am not interested in light themes for blood elves at all and don’t hope to see them, personally (personal opinion, others can disagree. I’m sharing mine). A ‘glowing light’ thing that would be way better, however, would be a phoenix theme, in my personal opinion.

All of that said, I’m really hoping Blizzard takes the feedback from players of these races to heart and actually listens to us. I’d love to see customizations for core races as one gigantic pass again, this time of them actually taking feedback from players. I think that’d be something neat to add to 9.2.5. I play just elves & Vulpera, so don’t have much to say for others, but know other core race players want stuff too so hope they get it. (I would play Sethrak, Saurok & Arakkoa if they were ever added, though, but sadly they haven’t been yet.)


Speaking of these little guys, some hair options would be nice.

All of the other furred races get hair options, so it’s kind of strange that they don’t.


Agreed. I would say ARs who didn’t already get a pass would be good for another group with core races. Vulpera, Zandalari, DID, Mechagnomes, KT. I feel like Nightborne are lacking too, unfortunately. I know many mechagnomes I’ve seen say they’d love more variable options on mechanization which would be super cool.


Apparently their hostile comments were just a joke but if they were joking why I wonder they don’t assume we all were? Like if I start off joking and people reply I assume thats the space we’re in but I guess only their perceived hostility were jokes.

Though I’m fine admitting I was defensive and moving on but like just own it.


Yes this, you deserve all the likes for this post I have wanted hairstyle options on my Vulpera Warlock since they were first added and I still want that today, then again a lot of you in this thread know that due to me bringing it up so much in our Discord. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Oh, for sure.

Honestly, they could use a lot of work in general.


This forum needs a this tbh reaction because really this tbh.


Because blizzard has set a precedent of whomever cries the loudest gets a fair piece of the pie in regards to customization.

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It would only be a failure if blizzard considers themselves done. I think we should get plenty more options each expansion. And I think more generic hairstyles all races can use would be appreciated every expansion or so.


I expect we’ll see another big set with 10.0’s launch.

I’m also willing to bet we’ll see a few with 9.2.5.

Very curious to see what Mechagnomes end up with… I suspect the remaining AR’s will be next up.


No Blood Elf afros, cornrows, etc. Body types?


I hope they add those things! That would be amazing.


Still hoping that the WoW team starts having as much fun as the Hearthstone team so folks can just have fun with loads of customizations.

Afros are fun.


I hope to see full mechagnome options!

Although I think it would be nice if you got to pick the color of the glowing lights like the exos from destiny.