Faerlina restarts in 15 min... behold my brothers

Old blanchy is gonna be the new benediction :man_technologist:

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Ye, it’s not. It’s far better than what we have in classic. :clown_face:

but we love this we wanted this

Bobby would love to sell that for 25$

So how long should I expect to spam click my realm to get back in?


Everybody. keep spamming the button. together lads!

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You’re coping hard

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Thanks for the update, any news on a potential new fresh start server or anything with the queues?

give us transmog while you are at it.

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Old blanchy is such a high energy name for a realm. Idk how its not more popular

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I met my wife on the Auction House.

The other option would be to break all the addons that scan the auction house. Take your pick, they had this problem on retail and tried multiple solutions and the revamp was the only fix.

Aaand they’re back up. Stuck on logging into game server though.

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no E.T.A. on how long they will be down? Cool company, they know there are ridiculous que times, don’t do much to fix, then shut down servers during peak time with no E.T.A.
I remember when Blizzard cared about their game and community

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I can’t say 4:30 ET is peak time on a week day, server is back up

no we need less retail stuff not more.

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Good news: They’re fixing the AH.

Bad news: If you were already online playing the game, you now won’t be able to get through the queue before tomorrow.

Retail ah is great, one of the few things I think they did right in the last few expansions.

I met your wife there too.

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