Faction specific queues

becoming self-aware of his place on the spectrum. beautiful.

Let’s clarify, rather than use quotes around the word, “point.”

The point I made was that 40 minutes to get to an instance isn’t a particularly large amount of time in relation to the amount of time it takes to do almost anything in WoW.

To what? Ad hominem requires no counter-point, as there has been no point made. It’s actually quite a strong signal that there was nothing to refute about what I stated.

You certainly have a lot of insults. I suspect you are upset with something that you think I may want. I’d be curious as to whether you aren’t reading something into what I’ve typed that simply isn’t there.

We know that. Warmode and CRBGs are their “solutions”.

Don’t forget offering an entire set of servers where this ‘problem’ isn’t even an issue at all. We ‘carebears’ are quite enjoying the tears of the people who told us we aren’t playing the ‘real’ game.

Isn’t playing on a server that supports your preferred play style great :slight_smile:

Indeed it is, which is why I’m standing by the hordes of Horde who are playing the way they prefer, while abiding by TOS. They shouldn’t be punished because of whining Alliance.

It is telling that the only servers you play on have Warmode.

Even before warmode the only servers I played on (the ones that support my play style) I had to choose to flag PvP
Which I did often in Classic / TBC as I love world PvP.

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I don’t think Blizzard wants to try a new experiment like this. They certainly won’t experiment with Classic.

I don’t believe that “faction balance” is a requirement for PVP, or the cause of any current “problem”. PVP has been around for 15 years and has never been faction-balanced. Suddenly claiming it is a “requirement” is silly. Blizzard knows better.

Is the release of Honor likely to HUGELY affect what happens on PVP realms, in the short term? Of course! That has no connection with faction balance – that’s a player myth.