Fact: They know AV is unbalanced

Part of that is a DM’s fault.

No, alliance pvp’ers bailed on AV as soon as they broke premades, myself included. There’s a reason I joined premades in the first place. The alliance pug scene is pretty terrible.


Do you want us to call someone? Would you like a tissue?

There is something very wrong intellectually and emotionally with people who think that AV is so imbalanced that it is virtually unwinnable for the Alliance. Premades were able to do it, AV weekenders are able to do it and Alliance dominated AV back in Vanilla (at least in my Battle group which contained Garithos server) .
As someone who regularly does AV on three separate toons I can testify that it’s the people who are playing. They spout the same nonsense you dum-dums do all while doing everything in their power to lose the game as quickly as possible. Yep it’s the MAP, not all the geared up guys on their epic mounts doing nothing but leeching, NOT the fishermen or the Harpy cave farmers and of course not the people in BG chat demanding that we all lie down so they can get their one token faster. Thats whats sad, people who don’t want to play the game BUT really, really want a new outfit for their dress up dolly.

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And yet alliance pugs do just fine in WSG/AB.

Weird seems like the issue actually isn’t alliance pugs.

I have hard time believing you are really a pvper then. I actually chose not to play av after about 3 days and ranked in wsg against horde premades because cheesing av with a premade was brainless. How much honor do you get every week? My main has been r12+ since March.

It’s fun seeing you play both sides of this.
You agree that competetive players are not playing AV but rather WSG/AB, and then you use “pugs do just fine in WSG/AB” as some kind of gotcha.

It is bizarre, but par for the course with your posting.

I stopped at rank 9 because I didn’t want to put in the time. 16 hours a day of grinding AV premades wasn’t very appealing. I still do some BG’s with guildies but that’s about it. Classic pvp really isn’t very good imo.

Alliance: have to coördinate, play as a team. Every guy helps. One person can screw over the entire team.

Horde: lol just zug zug rush no problem

What I’m seeing here from all the AV masters

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Yep, horde totally just zugzug north. That is, when they aren’t allegedly foiling each and every strategy alliance attempts. The much maligned “scorched earth” (playing the game as intended) meta.

My w/l ratio since installing the addon - all pug games.


What strategy? Just keep pushing them back until we have SHGY and hope our boys outgear them?

You got an AV win in there this is obviously fake.

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Nice AV win percentage… This isn’t a dig, but you’re part of the problem, and so was I by doing premades. Alliance pvp’ers don’t queue for AV, and didn’t solo queue when we could premade. The alliance performs quite a bit better on AV weekends when actual pvp’ers queue up. If more people like you, who actually pvp and win queued for AV it would be much more even.

The point remains, alliance AV pugs are nothing but rep farmers. Everyone likes to blame the map, but even if the map was “balanced” alliance would still lose 90% of those games because the people who queue don’t even try to win.

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I mean they also fixed it 15 times in classic …

Sure and alliance pugs in WSG/AB are nothing but rep farmers yet they have a much higher win rate.

Almost seems like it’s a map issue not an alliance pug issue.

Alliance ayers who actually want to pvp queue up for WSG/AB, even solo queue. Alliance in AV don’t even attempt to win. I’ve never been in a WSG where players are more worried about getting rep than winning.

When it comes to AV it’s a chicken vs the egg argument. Do alliance lose simply because there are no pvp’ers, or are there no pvp’ers because alliance lose? The fact is alliance alliance lose and there’s no pvp’ers queuing for AV. Is the map perfectly balanced, no, but that doesn’t explain a 99% horde win rate. It’s not so horrifically imbalanced that alliance have no chance of winning. It’s kinda hard to blame it all on imbalance when alliance don’t even try.

No, they didn’t “fix it” in TBC. Prior to 2.3 it was dominated by ALLIANCE. JUST AS IT WAS ON EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS AND CURRENT PRIVATE SERVER.

Alliance are just bad and screwed up the meta with their premade nonsense. We are simply reaping what we sow.

God I hate these threads. Freaking apes need to not ape.

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Right but why won’t those pvpers queue for AV outside of AV weekend?

It’s almost like people who actually enjoy competitive pvp don’t like playing on an imbalanced map.

You can’t prove that though. Because on AV weekends when pvp’ers do queue up for AV the win rates are a lot more even. The only argument people have for it being the map is the fact that they lose, without understanding that the real reason they lose is because they don’t even try. When alliance do try, believe it or not, they can actually win, even if the map isnt perfectly balanced

Noone has said it’s impossible for alliance to win, read this thread people have explained in detail the conditions alliance can win under.

But are you seriously trying to deny that generally people who enjoy actual competition don’t like playing when the odds are stacked against them?