id like to suggest that characters with mail that die have the mail sent to the next living character on the list.
That be cool for guilds too.
In eve when player deletes a char (biomass is what they call it) a mail is sent out corporation wide. This player has died permanently and gone forever type wording.
It does 2 things. It lets you know thar dude has probably left eve for good. You don’t remake mains fast there. If it took 10 years for that char…its another 10 years.
and that name is now free to be used by anyone. so if you see that same name in the future, you know its not the same person.
You could really enjoy it. whole new game imo.
And after Classic Hardcore comes… Classic Naked Hardcore, where your item slots are reduced down to a single weapon equip.
Then once the brave adventurer has beaten the lairs of Classic Naked Hardcore, comes Classic Entropy Naked Hardcore. Same as before, but each time you take damage, you permanently lose those hitpoints!
And for the rare few who can defeat Classic Entropy Naked Hardcore is the rarest of realms, Classic One-Hit Hardcore. A single hit point is all you need.
And then comes…
This is not new … people have been playing no hits, no kills and naked (dressed in something with no armour value for decency ) for over 10 years
it literally is appropriate as thats what they do is turn things into a monetization… which is why its funny and fits for any and almost all future endeavors blizzard does because of the pattern THEY SET!! you should learn how things apply to other things and realize how wrong u are
So in hardcore if you die after level 60 are you dead for good? I’m not sure how it works that way.
So you die in Molten Core and then you just have the option to move to whitemane era?
Sounds interesting I suppose. Think I’ll roll paladin for the bubble hearth.
Bubble hearthing will be disabled for Paladins on the official HC realms.
lol damn. So hearth just doesn’t work during bubble then? You get a “you can’t do that right now” like when trying to loot a quest item?
It makes sense I suppose. Probably will still roll paladin since that’s the class I’m most familiar with and still has good survivability. And bubble still drops aggro during dungeon/raid.
according to the wowcast, no bubble-hearth. also no rez of any kind including soul stones
Yeah they took away bubble hearth from pallies, but let every class use flask of petrification.
Yes to sending dead characters to shadowlands! to the river of souls
Hey. Rez option: permanent rez sickness!
Death=Delete, what’s all this talk about transfers and stuff being a big deal.
Just , No. No…
Wow really enjoyed reading this. Maybe a bit to far to discriminate against dead guild leaders. Ner’zhul made one of the best dead guild leaders after all.
I had a little go at HC, I found if you DC’d after you hit a kobold (you no take candle!), it’s tough t1tties.
Some posters were talking about MC, in reality nobody got beyond 11 let alone 20 or so.
Learn about your choice in ISPs and make the loud noises when it fails.