Eylsian Fields *NOT THAT HELPFUL* and other news

So being in Elysian Fields is good and all but with 800+ people and usually 100-200 on at a time pending jobs/school etc

Well when there is a lot of people on and you’re trying to find a group via the LFG Channel you spam for 30-45mins no replies or answers then you go to the guild chat ask your guildies hey lets run some dungeons to get exp coinage and loot …

well after few moments no reply ask again wait nothing ask one more time wait nothing …. then you either get told you’re a big boy find a group WELL DUH I AM TRYING TO I am asking guildies I mean After all being in a guild being part of a guild IS TO DO GUILD STUFF WITH IE and ERGO Do Dungeons / Get Attuned for MC-Ony etc do any of the guildies help

NOOOOOOOOOO now mind you there are a few people very small handful I am talking smurf hand size that will quest w/ya do dungeons but the others? hahahaha they got their own clique and what clique is that you may ask? well

THE STREAMER CLIQUE a Certain Shdow Priest Names not allowed TOS / Shaman now tells people via whisper we don’t hold your hand go and do it yourself uhm dummy why am I in a guild then? just because you stream and GET POWER LEVELED like a Certain MALD man did via mob-tagging doesn’t make you special FYI Certain Shadow Priest ** Oh btw is DEFF 100% Without a Doubt Not McCool <------ FYI NICK NAME Not chr name so not a TOS THING **

In Fact Certain Shadow Priest sounds a lot like well J.S Initials are allowed also :slight_smile: oh this Certain Shadow Priest the voice you hear on Stream is not his real voice FYI !

But as I ask again why be in a guild when no one does anything w/their guildies? I mean look at other horde guilds they do rungs/dungeons together get geared whereas ELYSIAN FIELDS Unless you’re in a CLIQUE have to sit and pug and Trust me the Pugs lately have SUCKED !

And onto other news

Sources Say Names not allowed That Horde leaders of Big GUilds and Alliance Leaders of Big Guilds have had secret talks that horde will get few kills on ea world boss w/o being majorly contested make it look good ya know then alliance gets few world boss kills as well

Oh and also a Certain Hunter that’s in Olympus Initials S.B has a Main Chr in The Guild DOGZ Spy Much?

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That is how pretty much every guild I’ve been in is. No matter how much they say they help lower levels to get you to join they just don’t. They get to 60 and just run MC and ONY once a week and sit in IF the rest of the time.

Even the guild I’m in now it’s hard to find specific help but they’ve been better than most. I just wait for them to farm some BRD or something I can level from and then I try to jump in. Nobody is willing to help you specifically in most guilds that I’ve found. But they all boast about how many people you can recruit in guild chat to run your dungeons and level.


People will help someone level if they know them, but you can’t really expect a guild to level up a random guy they just met.

I am unsure if you are Horde side or not but Soup will be happy to have you.
We make a point of helping everyone in guild when we can our motto is Pay it forward. We are in the process of making a second raid group so you can even have a place at 60. just hit a soup member up in game if you are interested.


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how do you do loot? do you favor close friends over other’s who aren’t in inner circles? bcuz that’s how it is in elysian fields if you don’t help mob tag you won’t be on the THE LIST finger quotation gestures or do you give loot to those who need it most ? I understand tanks are a priority and so are healers etc.

Heya :3 come give me a chat in game later!

lol @ feeling entitled to a guild helping you out every time you ask for groups. You get what you put in when it comes to guilds. Maybe you should try helping others before expecting to receive help. Also, man lands on the moon if you’re a lowbie. Nobody wants to go out of their way to help lower levels. There is little to no benefit.

Lay off. You’re just toxic to conversations you pitch your 2 cents into. There’s nothing wrong with asking or requiring help in Classic, especially given that not every quest is a cakewalk. There’s literally nothing wrong with helping those in need, even if you receive nothing in return.

You are right. There is nothing wrong with asking or requiring help in Classic. It is just entitled when you make a post about it in the forums claiming no one in your guild helped you therefore your guild is “not that helpful”.

Hmmm Seems guilds were like groups of people with common goals, goals cannot be reached where the guild only allows for certain inside the clique members to have any progress. This is a common complaint about Elysian Fields on our server. I gumby dab you that the certain shadow priest never leveled without help from DOGZ. It’s what guilds do.