External power rental systems need to go

“They told me Dark souls is hardcore dude, so skillful game”

literally they are just tedious, it isnt hard to simply get used to timing and repeatedly perform the same action again and again untill they are dead.

But yeah, keep telling yourself beating dumb PREDICTABLE computer algorithmic opponents is hard, only way to tell yourself you are good lol

Yea, cause not everybody can beat it.

I’m not great at video games and WoW in general, though i do fancy myself as a casual and slightly below competent in both fields of PvP and PvE. Though i don’t find it much of a problem. :slight_smile:

I was hoping you did more then me in terms of PvE, to back up that claim that you implied to have experience on the hardcore side of things … Then i checked on the armory…

You don’t do any raids at all… werid.

Maybe your a super duper good PvPer and have been climbing the rating ladder?

Well at least you have something over me, a 46% win rate of the 56 total bgs you did over my 28% win rate (i’m not counting comp stomp) over 95 total bgs. But i expected to see ratings on 3v3s RBGs and such.

…Maybe this is your alt? May i see your Main so i can bask in his hardcore, hardcoreness please? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


agree that rental systems keeping us at level 100 forever makes investment into our characters seem less worthwhile

towards the end of an xpac? why bother with the long grinds if they are just for power that will be trashcanned?

towards the end of a tier patch? why bother when new shortcuts are going to be added along with a whole new system of grinds?

flying requires doing everything in the game and repeating it 50x? Why bother if new xpac is coming?

More to the point: Why bother staying subbed if there are so many grinds that it feels impossible to catch up or play alts, even with the shortcuts? Why be bored before we can have fun? Why be frustrated instead of entertained?


We need an endgame progression system that carries accross xpacks. Not one that resets with each.


Blah blah blah, keep trying to tell yourself fighting predictable algorithm controlled opponents is “hard” so you feel like you achieved something.

That is why video games are so popular among people with little real achievement, because they end up living in the fantasy that they are skilled.

Only real skill is in pvp aspects of all games, only a player beating another top player can claim to be skillful factually. Pvers will never accept this as they cant accept that game achievements are meaningless and just given to you so you feel better and keep paying.

Method tries to kill bosses without the normal gear that’s expected.

Normal progression involves growing gear strength from the raid you’re progressing.

Method is trying to do it week one with very little of the gear that the raid offers.

Then prepare for linear gear growth.

Farming 30 ilvls is gonna get you .3% increase in power.

Which is how a long grind is supposed to be, get 90% of your power fast, then the last 10% is the long grind, that way you dont gimp characters who havent spend ages grinding.

But of course blizzard wants to keep people grinding to inflate metrics so they either grind or have weak trash characters.

Some of us instead get fed up and leave


Your head is messed up dude.

There’s no reasoning with you.

I can honestly say these systems actively keep me from playing much and truly, truly ruin the game for me.

The artifact weapons at least had cool skins we can still use. This crap is virtually useless past this xpac and not even trying to be subtle about it.


I also hate the rental systems. My class was nerfed several times because of these rental systems. Don’t nerf class abilities due to rental systems. That’s just insane. When rental systems go away the base class is still nerfed.

Rental systems should just slightly add to the power. It should not BE the power of the class.


I would have prefered if they kept the artifacts. They were more fun than the azerite system


Literally all they had to do is keep them and expand them for the next expansion a little.

And the funny thing is it will get worse next expac, artifacts where a huge boost and it felt terrible when we lost them but now essences+corrupted gear+azerite being literally more than half the dps of your class, people are gonna feel that much weaker.

They learned nothing because they can’t stop themlsevs from creating more huge grinds and locking power behind them


You mean… when you go into a new expansion, your character feels weaker against the new monster ?

What is this ? A RPG ? How dare they make new areas with new dangers that your character has to struggle to overcome!

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Ignorance intensifies


I don’t know man. Playing Vanilla, getting a bunch of AQ gear, BWL gear, I went into TBC and suddenly, I struggled to kill 4 legged alien animals in Nagrand.

Playing Mists, being Hellscream’s Downfall, decked in the very best of “requisitioned” Horde armor and weapons, I hit Nagrand again and was struggling against those 4 legged animals again.

Queue the pinacle of Archimonde’s demonic weaponry, soaked in Fel fire, able to scorch the remnants of Gul’dan’s pathethic forces, and I’m in Stormheim, trying to kill a bear and it almost mauls me.

At what point do you guys not realise this is simply how RPGs are.

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Oh hallo Ralph I see you switched to a DK how are you liking the aesthetic of panda DK? My DK is now a vulpera and its different to say the least but fun.

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Reset day is going to be a disaster. People think the worst has already happened and to me I am thinking nope. The worst has yet to come.

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If it’s not hard, then where’s my Mythic raiding achievements and etc? Why imply it as if anybody can get these easy, just because their predictable? I don’t use anybody else for raiding above LFR before BFA but this guy. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Heck, where’s yours? You have done less then me in terms of raiding. Until i see your main and your main’s Achievements and such (unless the toon of yours is your main, which in that case, doesn’t really change nothing then), your “It’s not hard at all” opinion, really is meaningless to me, cause you aren’t qualified/experienced enough to be say that, just saying it anyways, without thinking that people can actually check up on the armory.

I was very explicit that i’m not great video games and more of a casual, and i’m certainly can’t be bothered with Raiding in BFA due to the simple fact that it just don’t interest me. I fancy myself as a casual and just do Island Expeditions (with the AI Bots), Dungeons, and World Questing.

Also, what is wrong with feeling like you achieved something in PvE?

What is wrong with that?.. Like seriously? what is wrong with having games like those?

I mean, if you want to play PvP Games, go right ahead. I’l be playing my boring predictable computer AI games in the meantime. I’m not going to take games away from you cause i don’t like them, i’m not anti-gamer.

Heck, i sometimes play the Fun unpredictible non computer AI vs Non Computer AI (Or PvP) on an occasion, and it can be more fun then PvE, my experience varies greatly on those, due to the fact that i’m not really good at PvPing either.

You do realize that PvP Achievements are equally as meaningless? the Game Achievements you do earn in this game are just that: Game Achievements. Unless you’re playing e-sports, then yea, it’s a meaningful achievement somewhat, cause your playing games against other people for money. But outside of that, the only meaning it has is to the player who is… well playing it.

If i go up to a random person out in public and tell them that i got a 3000 rating in RBG while kiting 5 elite players without even dipping below 90% in WoW, that person wouldn’t even bat an eye to it unless their a gamer and even then i doubt they would care what i did. Even if i told them i beaten Halo 3 on Legendary difficulty. Which i didn’t, infact i never played Halo at all, i didn’t grew up with an Xbox.

And what’s wrong with feeling better with a video game? Aren’t they Entertainment? Isn’t the point of Entertainment to… entertain? make you feel better by experiencing a story, or shooting guys in the face or something?

I don’t know about you, but i still have my PS2 Kicking around, and i still have my old Tony Hawk games, basically all the titles that ran on the Renderware engine, from Pro Skater 3 to American Wasteland. I’m going to tell you right now, all these games, excluding American Wasteland which, despite being my favorite Tony hawk, is heavily tutorialized and pretty light on the challenges… you can’t really expect to walk into a game and be elite with it right off the bat, even on Easy difficulty. You have to learn it, practice it, fail a few times here and there, master it. That’s the whole beauty of the gameplay. It isn’t just the rad skater punk sort of style it offers, or the fact that it’s the game about skateboarding at all. It does get predictable at times, but that’s by design. Heck, that’s by design in video games sometimes. WoW’s Raiding and Dungeons are no different in that sort of design. :slight_smile:

The Taxed Largely: Didn’t Rent Version is:
Some people play PvE, some people play PvP, and that is fine. There’s really no need to get all up in arms over the fact that somebody is playing something that you don’t like. :stuck_out_tongue:

And it doesn’t matter how much grinding you do with the cloak as you will be overwhelmed with corrupted gear soon enough.

Right now people feel good that they have enough anti corruption but that changes when they are overwhelmed with corrupted gear starting with reset day. People will feel like Blizzard is treating them like hamsters and not human beings playing a game for fun. Sad, sad, sad.