It’s PACIFIC standard time. Not “California time”. It’s a time zone and it is comprised of at least 3 states, CA being but one of them.
I disagree. Only on patch day do people all try to log in at once.
It’s almost like the denotation of a time zone in the maintenance notification has some kind of meaning…
i call it californian time as i do not consider california apart of america.
also if everyones signature was in proper cursive theyd be easy to forge since every bob smith would sign cursive bob smith
I speak a little Kaaaaalifornyyyyyin duuuuuuuude!
I sign mine with a D and a Z, there is no Z in my name
Oh, they have other ways of tracking that info.
Honestly when does anyone need to write anymore other than signature? its all keyboards and speech now. I feel all that time spent on learning penmanship should have been spent on improving typing skills.
Im sure they’ll post an extension soon
15 minutes and counting.
A highly stylized signature is much harder to forge.
I see servers up. I am in.
I’ve noticed a lot of the people in my parents generation who complain about people not being able to write cursive also type with only 2 fingers
Why? So you can turn around and complain about how it was extended instead?
yes /10 char
Uh huh. You know we have 50 states and CA is one of them & has been since 9/9/1850. Thatsaid, I’m sure you consider them a state when they vote for your favored candidate in a general election.
I do a LOT of handwriting at work. There is always paperwork to be done, daily…
signs to be made for the store
handwriting is more personal…people don’t do cards much anymore…but they should. a nice handwritten note in a card is …personal…it adds a LOT to relationships, whether friends or loved ones…or…heck even work
Honestly when does anyone need to write anymore other than signature? its all keyboards and speech now.
Work in any government organization, state, federal, judicial, military - they all use plenty pen and paper. It’s impractical to expect to always have working electronics. They are unreliable.
I have have no complaints about extended maint. this week.
“You want it done fast or do you want it done right?”
Best way to know time zones these days is to add cities in those other time zones on a weather app and you’ll never be called out again.
yeah…evolution and adaptation.