Exploring Kalimdor Lore Points

If A Good War is canon and the Shatterspear fled Darkshore after the Night Elves retaliated against them during Garrosh’s war, then Robert Brooks’ statement that they joined the Horde still stands, and would make sense that they returned to their Vale before the Darkshore Warfront - possibly helping with the supply caravans from Orgrimmar like the ones Malfurion took out - and have stayed there since and raised the white flag to the Night Elves after the Horde’s defeat at Darkshore.


Thanks for the summary Amadis. I will finally get this book at the end of today (hopefully)!


This is a neat book and such shame you can’t say that on Twitter and such due to over sensitive people.

Hell no the book sucks. It is another piece of alliance bias from Blizzard who loves to make the Horde look like incompetent losers.


I dono Zehkan could yall maybe TRY?


The leader of the Shatterspear is a new character named Ohseso.


Which means it is probably canon that we killed their chief in BfA.


nothing makes me laugh more than the horde trying to say they are different now and still occupying land they got during the war


-The un-retconning of the Exodar being repaired. It originally was fixed in Velen’s short story during Cata, then Legion retconned that and said the draenei had scavenged all of its working parts to build the Vindicaar, but now we’re back to it being fixed again. Nice.
-Getting some history on the Azuremyst Isles.
-Astranaar being retaken and fortified. And the Kaldorei getting at least a portion of Ashenvale back.
-The only status quo I like: the Cenarions reestablishing their watch on the silithid.

-Every other status quo. I truly, TRULY despise it. The Alliance should not be in Durotar and the Barrens. That is the height of absurdity. Beyond that, the Shatterspear should not be in Darkshore, the wider Horde should not be in Ashenvale, and the night elves should not be in Azshara. This is just status quo for the sake of having the zone descriptions in the book match how they’re depicted in the game, trapped in the Cata-era.

Blizzard is absolutely petrified of making big changes. Seriously, Orgrimmar would NEVER stand for Alliance bases to be in their home territories (Tiragarde Keep in Durotar, Talrendis Point in Azshara, and the various Northwatch-aligned holdings in the Barrens) and the night elves would not allow the Shatterspear to come back and reoccupy a chunk of Darkshore after everything the Shatterspear did from Cata to BfA. I swear, for every hesitant step these devs take forward, they take three giant leaps back.


The night elves attacked them and tried to wipe them out. Then they fought back and made them pay the price for that agression. Shatterspears are the wronged party here. Not the other way around. Take your butt out of your head.

I don’t think the Shatterspear actually had a leader in BfA. The last known leader prior to Ohseso, was Jor’kil the Soulripper, who was a quest target in Cataclysm and whose death helped push the Shatterspear into fleeing from the area, seeking refuge with the Horde, and eventually returning to the area.

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The Shatterspear attacked first in Cata as part of Garrosh’s invasion plan, then the night elves counterattacked. Don’t lie about the lore, Erevien. Even you shouldn’t stoop that low.


My BfA memory is abit hazy but I seem to recalled we killed an important named mob of the Shattetspears. Ill check later.

You might be thinking of the rare mob Zim’kaga for the Alliance Darkshore Warfront world quests.


Zim’kaga and and Moxo the Beheader are both rares in Darkshore, but it is not known how important they are.


I just found this page! I was really surprised tbh, did not expect them to actually name a new Chieftain. I think we can infer Ohseso may have been it in BfA, but we don’t know.

Small stuff like this makes me happy.


TS please don’t forget to update first post when there will be new info.
Its very comfortably to read, when all key points are gathered in one place.
Waiting for the info about Feralas.

These make me angry.

What was the point of questing in Cataclysm at all


I can’t discuss any of it on the forums because using the Formal Academic Name of most tropes is now apparently not allowed on the forums as per my last conversation with a GM

And I am not going to type out The Trope Where The Native American Person Is Crying™ or The African Diasporic Person Who Is Mixed White Who Is Sad About Not Being Black Enough™ in a long winded post.

I am making a thread Soon™ on the twitters


if the night elves are in azshara, then with a new camp, not with the old cata era explanation…and year, overall i agree

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