Explicit Multi-GPU Support added to Shadowlands!

This is not true, Classic utilizes both my cards, Retail does not.

I have two RTX2080Tis connected with an SLI bridge, Classic is DX 11 and use the ‘old’ SLI, but other modern DX12 games works fine and utilizes both cards, WoW Retail does not.

may also want to check your in-game framerate of only one card versus two even if one isn’t being utilized much percentage-wise.

Did you monitor the GPU utilization of your cards at all when you did your testing? DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU wouldn’t hide GPU utilization information. I like to use MSI Afterburner to monitor GPU utilization but you can do it even just using the Performance tab on Task manager. If a GPU isn’t showing any utilization, then it isn’t doing anything.

Subjective FPS measurements, aka “it seems faster”, are strongly subject to placebo.

Framerates are the same , no better or worse. Tried to search any video about it but nothing came up. Mind posting a working video ?
And @ Rabid we are not talking about SLI .

Update : Only the RTX cards support Dx12 Ultimate.

From my experience, single card is the best. Don’t have to deal with waiting for drivers or developers to optimize it. Not to mention, stutters.

Installed 750 TI and it doesn’t seem to use both at the same time. But then like you said it’s only DX11 on the hardware layer.

Do you have any “Experience” with DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU? Because this thread isn’t about SLI or Crossfire.

You can use DX11 SLI in Retail WoW if you want. It still works. You have to go into your game settings and select DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12. I’m curious what “other modern DX12 games” you are having good results with using DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU, as the list of games that support it is still tiny.

Also, understand that DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU works differently depending on whether your cards are linked or not. It might be good to try it both ways:

This article, about a paragraph or two down, explains the difference between using linked adapters or multiple separate adapters with DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU:

That would make sense given that we now have people who have tried older DX12 GPUs and claimed that it does not work. What have you found that says that this has anything to do with DX12 Ultimate? I’m not necessarily trying to doubt you, but DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU has been a part of the DX12 spec for a long time now, whereas DX12 Ultimate is much newer. I am curious why DX12 Explicit Multi-GPU would require DX12 Ultimate in this case.

Of course, we still don’t have any objective GPU utilization measurements from anyone who has actually tested using DX12 Ultimate capable cards either…

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Not yet with DX12U. I have to upgrade my PSU before trying it. Or wait for cheap DX12U cards.

I still have doubts with it.

If you have an old PSU collecting dust, you can use it to power your second graphics card. But you will have short two pins on the second PSU so it is always powered on. Some even come with a connector that does it for you.

Anyone else tested this yet since Shadowlands release?

still works with DX12U native cards such as the 30 series cards i have :slight_smile:

I was fairly excited to read the title of the thread.

I’ve been running SLI setups for years, and currently have 2x2080ti’s in my rig, but SLI hasn’t functioned in WoW on DX12 at any point. I can still revert to DX11 (non-legacy) and see multi GPU usage, but this method doesn’t actually provide any tangible benefit in terms of boosted FPS and actually ends up worse than a single card due to frametime inconsistency.

So, when I saw this I thought “Beautiful! I’ll just disable SLI, yank my NV-Link bridge out and get double GPU usage with explicit mGPU on DX12!” seemed to good to be true.

Turns out it apparently was too good to be true. I’ve now spent a significant number of hours attempting to get this to work with the two 2080ti cards and unfortunately it just…doesn’t. :frowning:

Despite hauling both cards in and out, swapping them around, trying with both installed, and then each of the cards individually, flicking between DX12 and DX11, forcing the game to render on both cards specifically, I can’t get so much as a lick of usage out of the second card, and my in game FPS is exactly the same as it is with a single card.

If explicit mGPU is implemented at the application level, then my understanding is that it should just…work. There’s no driver requirements, no SLI/NV-Link bridging necessary, simply having two cards installed in the PCI-E slots should make it functional.

Except it isn’t =/ I’ve got three separate monitoring programs all of which are detecting successfully that there are two GPU’s in the machine, but none of them are registering even a fractional use of the second card.

Couple this with the total lack of difference in game FPS between having one card installed or two (monitored both in game and through the aforementioned external tools) and I’m left pretty disappointed. Maybe this feature is limited to the current roster of GPU’s and doesn’t extend backwards even a single generation? :man_shrugging:

A bit of a let down, since I was looking forward to experiencing a jump in performance from the hardware my machine had to offer. =/

by the looks of it, seems to be only dx12u native cards that are the ones that are working, so that would be the 30 series cards and possibly the 6000 series Radeon cards as the 20 series cards are the previous generation dx12 native, not dx12u native.


I can’t include the link, however, nVidia’s own page would indicate that supported GPU’s for the DX12u API include all the 3000 series cards yes, but also cards in the 2000 series from the 2060 through to the 2080ti (plus the titan) AND the 20 series laptop GPU’s as well.

(A google search for “directx 12 ultimate graphics card list” shows the page as the first result for me.)

I suppose its possible I’m missing something, but it does seem like the hardware I am running is supported by the DX12u API, so if that’s the governing factor for explicit mGPU in this case, I’m a little puzzled as to why it just straight up doesn’t seem to work.

In no way does DX12 Explicit multi-GPU require you to disable SLI or Remove your NVLink bridge. DX12 Explicit multi-GPU has two modes, using multiple independent GPUs, or by using multiple GPUs as a “linked node”. If your cards have SLI enabled and are using an NVLink bridge, then that would be an example of the latter. It takes advantage of the additional communication potential between cards afforded by the NVLink bridge.

Further reading that expands on the difference between the two methods:

Of course, that is just talking about the tech itself. We still really do not know if this even works in WoW - with most people besides the OP so far claiming that it does not.

Sorry but it’s getting harder and harder to take your posts seriously, and it’s really feeling like you are just wasting people’s time and/or this is simply one big troll post on your part.

You have provided exactly ZERO proof that this works, even on your hardware (and no, simply claiming that it works is not proof). Every time someone else comes along and says that it doesn’t work for them, you move the goal posts. After users with 1080s showed that it did not work, you claimed that it requires DX12U. Now that someone with 2080TIs found out that it did not work, all of a sudden it only works on 3000 series. Funny how that works, especially since the 2000 series is, in-fact, fully compatible with DirectX 12 Ultimate.

Do you have so much as even one single screenshot showing your GPU utilization while this feature is enabled? Not trying to be rude, but it’s time to put up or shut up.

Firstly you have to understand how much of a hassle it is to have to go take apart 2 computers to remove the graphic card from one and to install both into one, have to go dig out some pci-e power cables from storage:
All this mess to gain access to find the 1 box with the extra power supply cables…

Then remove my harddrive bay to access the power supply, undo the cable management, etc just to retest crap or provide you with additional “proof” requests as there really isn’t any reason to doubt the OP findings in the first place:


So it’s something hard to find motivation to do; to mess up your dream pc build and then waste more time afterwards be forced to put it all back together again for both PCs and put everything back into storage.

This is simply because I do not own 10 series cards or other graphic cards anymore other than the 30 series cards I currently have… so common sense would tell you: I can only speculate on this feature working with older cards, rather than actually test it myself to see if it actually works with older cards.

So obviously as users report in and state it didn’t work with older cards, I take their findings into account and update the “goal post” as you put it.

Anyways, now that I have decided to do all of this:

Some sad news, it appears that this feature is dead in the actual launch of Shadowlands (retail) as opposed during pre-patch when I originally tested:


As you can see, 0% utilization on the second RTX 3090 in Retail.

However on a side note:

In the Shadowlands Beta, it is still working:


As you can see both are utilized and sharing the load.

As for if there’s a way to get it working again in retail (maybe fiddling with settings?), i honestly can’t be bothered and lost all motivation as compared to when I was stuck with only RTX 3070s trying to meet my 120hz 4K monitor’s refresh rate, as now that i have a RTX 3090 in my system, one is good enough for me as that achieved my goal…

So if someone else wants to carry the torch, by all means be my guest. As this is the last and final time I will ever take apart my computers to test a feature in which I no longer have any use (or interest) for.

now I have to brb while I re-cable manage, put my computers back together, and stuff everything back into my storage closet >.>

what for? nvidia pretty much killed SLI support and so has AMD. most of their cards dont even support SLI or Xfire.

Guessing you skipped over the parts about explicit multi-gpu support. Performance gains on games that support it (still allows you to essentially SLI even when the hardware doesn’t support it)

IIRC this still requires driver support which nvidia and amd has all but abandoned.

it’s built into DX12 Ultimate. Requires zero support from Nvidia or AMD (or intel) as it’s done through the application/game itself utilizing DX12’s Explicit Multi-GPU support. So in otherwords, it’s up to the game devs themselves to enable the feature…

This should be evident to you by the doubling of performance of one 3070 versus two as mentioned in the OP, or the recent post I made showing how two 3090s are being utilized in Shadowlands Beta which appears to still has that support enabled as opposed to retail.