Explain GDKP in detail

of course things sell for tons of gold in era :expressionless: it’s a 5 year old server. the game doesn’t have enough gold sinks for such a long period.

this is part of why we want ongoing fresh servers every year or two.

It’s hands down the best way to get people coaxed into buying gold.

Greedy people who don’t give 2 shifts about the game, know that if they can somehow sell raid gear then RMT P2W will follow, - enter GDKP.

The only people who DONT buy gold for GDKP are the people organizing, and receiving the gold from people who did.

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No one does MC if those gdkps aren’t happening. That’s what you seem to fail to grasp.

Gdkp is ment to make gold for the organizers, get items for people who dont want to adhere to guild schedules loot rules etc. The raid leader is looking for buyers and high parse members. A bis player who isnt there to parse on behalf of the group(for gold) is just taking up a slot. A person who isnt going to buy anything is also taking up a slot.

A bis player has no problem finding a group. Through all of classic era ive done zero gdkps it doesnt effect anyone besides mentallly for some people for some reason. Its like mage boosting it doesnt matter you can still hit max level and raid without participating in either.

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Not really a fair comparison. Those players that get boosted aren’t playing the game, they’re just paying for success. Meanwhile, people who do GDKP actually do complete the content together.

And sure, someone paying to win doesn’t necessarily affect me (though that can be arguable when it comes to PvP), but that doesn’t mean it isn’t lame.

The best raiding experience is with a guild that you’re part of.

You can tell OP is anti GDKP asking questions in bad faith instead of doing a simple google search, no, he want confrontation and trying to prove a point instead, still arguing with people 120+ posts in.

In both cases theyre being boosted one is early game thenother is end game boosting. If you call getting hard carried participating then we have different definition of participation. The gkpd buyer isnt interested in trying/participating hence the gdkp. Its all a community issue most are dadsl gamers or people with a lot of disposable income.

RMT is the only negative thing about gdkp which also doesnt effect me negatively. You can say it inflates the ah but i dont use the ah to buy just sell. If this is about not getting invites to groups the best solution since classic is to make your own group regardless of the headaches that come with it. Classic is very pug friendly i cant image not being able to fill a group.

when my guild used to pug we would roll on items at the end so that people wouldnt just leave. worked well

Weird. You didn’t read the thread at all. I did a GDKP during this thread. Lol

Name a raid system that doesn’t?

In which case GDKP has zero impact on you.

Sure. I’ve also pugged so I’m weighing in.

blue poster officially says GDKP is allowed for gold only:

Just FYI :expressionless:

MS>OS. SR. Those are rng and fair.

Swipe credit card and then profit. GDKP

RNG is not necessarily fair, and oh yeah LFM MS > OS XUZ HR, PST with experience and GS, checking logs.

That comment is so weird

Hey, you can do this, but we’ll probably ban you for receiving RMT’d gold? How the hell do they think they can accurately decide who is and isn’t doing it in bad faith? They just gonna randomly ban innocent people for trying it?

nobody is getting banned for receiving gold unless they paid real money for it :expressionless:

Seems pretty clear what they’re implying here.

You can still do this, but we still reserve the right to arbitrarily decide who is and isn’t guilty, since technically there is actually no way for them to determine who meant to take bad gold.