Explain GDKP in detail

Already demonstrate it with logic. There are also servers where this can be observed.

And this is what will become of SoD. We are already headed there. Gnomer epics will be selling for thousands of gold. P3 will see 10x gold amounts. etc

Youll see 100k gold bids by P4

Here is the main reason why GDKPs are the most RMT - That RMT to buy a substantial item is spread to Numerous other characters. Now factor in that many people RMT to GDKP, that is a mass spread of illicit gold not limited to the buyer and seller.

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On my server’s AH “Humbert’s helm” is currently selling for 99g 99s this is the Prebis helm for leather wearers and is only available to Horde, so Alliance have to pay a premium to get of course.

The leather headpieces from raid typically (fro what I understand) typically sell for 10-20g

So the AH costs more money for a lower quality item, yet GDKPs are the issue?

Personally I think all the people who badmouth GDKPs hae a stake in the game of AH flipping stuff. Because obviously GDKPs remove clients that would otherwise go to their auctions and buy it.

This isn’t going to continue beyond 25. GDKP RMT relationship exponentially grows as the server ages.

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you do realize that era servers are like what 4-5 years old and have been stagnant with no new content for like 3 years.

You aren’t going to have what happened over the course of 5 years happen in 5 months.

With the amount of people in SOD, I guarantee you will see these values by P4, right out the gate. There will be people with hundreds of thousands of gold, ready to go, specifically for GDKPs.

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Your alternative is just not playing. Do you think people run MS OS Molten Core on Era? lol. The content would just be dead without gdkp.

This is one of the problems with GDKP. You have people in T2.5 and T3 doing MC, and then someone who is -actually- preBiS for MC will be a lot closer to “grey parsing” because their numbers relative to people who sandbag the raid is very low.

So yes. What does someone who is geared to start doing MC have any business doing MC when everyone else is 2-3 tiers of gear above MC?

It’s like a bunch of adults with $5000 bicycles gatekeeping a kids bicycle race that was originally meant to be fun.

Gives people who have no reason to run the content to come and get something out of it

Because RMT isn’t going anywhere. It’s impossible to 100% remove, and even if they could, the gold is already floating around in the economy due to the ease of botting from day 1.

GDKP would still exist even if Blizz somehow managed to instantly detect and ban botting programs before the gold was injected into the economy in this fairytale situation. The prices would just be lower, and “whales” would be the AH masters, or people who can no life the game mage boosting or aoe farming, instead of swiping. There would still be players running around with way more gold than your average Joe willing to blow it on items.

With that in mind, its the fastest way to gear your character if you have gold, and the most efficient way to make gold if you don’t have it. Simple as that.

This actually confirms my point that GDKP is a system that benefits established players, while penalizing new players harshly.

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Raiding in general is like that it isn’t just limited to GDKPS.

The same for PvP.

Heck the game in general is like that I guess.

It wasn’t like this back when I played in vanilla. You got some dungeons blues and some preBiS, you got into raids. Simple as that.

yeah MC right? if AQ40 was the new raid you didn’t go do AQ40 in your dungeon blues did you?

Gatekeeping their group is not gatekeeping the dungeon. Refusing access to their group is not refusing access to the dungeon.

If you don’t like a group’s loot rules you can form your own group with your own loot rules.

SoD has attracted the p2w kiddos, that is why you are seeing GDKP’s advertised. Just keep reporting them when advertised. It’s having an affect as evidenced by the amount of crying from the p2w kiddos in general chat and these forums. Cheers!

This word salad reminded me that all deviants have an excuse for their behavior. For example, thieves do not think they are doing anything wrong. They believe they are somehow entitled to the things they take.

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If I join a group and only have 6 gold, but I have no intent of buying because I just want free gold, will anybody know?

Many people did actually.

In fact I was in a pvp guild that merged with a pve guild back in vanilla, and about 1/3 of the raid were people in pvp blues.

The people in their T3 gear right now who were able to raid easily in greens and pre-preBiS, have pulled the ladder up from under them and require much more to “bring to the table” than they needed to bring themselves.

It wouldn’t be such a problem if 99% of groups weren’t GDKP like they are right now.

heehee, handholding and an allowance? such heroism!

Arguably, they’re doing the opposite. By establishing a separate set of criterion than usual - that is good gear, good knowledge of the content, high skill, etc. - they’re enabling people that normally wouldn’t get to go to enter based on the size of their wallets.

An art form so full of intricacies, really is a wonder to behold.
Worthy of upmost prestige.