Explain GDKP in detail

what a dumbass haha

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yea time to flex it on the internetz

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It’s because most people who gdkp are alts.

They have a geared main so their logs are good and they have gold from that main from doing other previous tier gdkps and or farming gold.

Most people who gdkp do so on alts and main raid in a guild like I do

Not saying it doesn’t have but I don’t know a single person who purely main raids in gdkps.

For the past year in wotlk i purely main GDKP raided because my schedule is too unreliable for a guild.

i am definitely an exception to the rule, though.

I just wanted to express my deepest felt gratitude that you came to my thread and shared your feelings and opinions with us.

Yea i can see doing it if schedule changes and you were already geared enough and had enough gold to do it as a main.

I can’t see new people purely doing gdkps as a main raid.

Because it isn’t about doing the raid it’s about selling the gear. If you have no money to spend you’re just taking part of their cut.

It’s purely capitalistic transactional behavior. So fun :neutral_face:

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Gee, I sure love it when my gaming experience is heavily reminiscent of one of the most frustrating experiences of my adult life! lol

(psst They mean buy gold. Buying gold is finding a way.)

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If I’m fully geared I want a raid full of rich players looking to spend big so I get lots of gold. If all the items go for a low bid then you don’t make good gold.

Yet it often results in the best raiding experience when compared to other raiding methods

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Step 1. Swipe credit card to buy gold.
Step 2. Join raid
Step 3. Bid on gear that drops like an auction


That does happen with some GDKPs, also AH purchase, respecs and everything else.

No need to pretend like the rates of RMT are remotely equal for those things.

As this game continues, the relationship between RMT and GDKP will grow, exponentially. The others will either remain constant or be significantly reduced.

Is there evidence to back any of this up or are we just making assumptions again?

Without GDKP, RMT would be no worse off.

Pretty sure as time goes on and new phases drop the amount of people who buy gold to get mounts/riding training will increase, not decrease.

Also what is the price difference between wht something goes for on the AH vs what a BiS item goes for in raid?

It is patently obvious. Respec costs will remain the same. BoE items will increase fairly linearly.

GDKPs will explode by P3.

Difference of magnitudes, for sure.

Lol, whatever helps you sleep at night bud.

GDKP is no bigger an avenue for RMT than the AH and everything else.

How many items sell on AH for hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold?

THere are GDKP items that sell for that, in era.

Also, prove your comments.

This isn’t era, we don’t care about era.

What comments? The ones where I ask you to prove your claims? :clown_face: