Explain GDKP in detail

Most ive encountered do the items at the end.

if you are a buyer yeah they may ask you to open trade and type an amount of gold that is your budget since you can’t actually type more in the gold field then gold you have.

I’m guessing so they can find excuses to kick some competition out for “not doing enough dps”, so their core members can have a better chance to get the gear they want.

Thats not how it works buddy. Nice try though. The leader and the carries don’t need any of the gear most of the time. Thats the entire point.

And if they do need the gear, they bid just like a buyer would.

Some groups penalize a players cut if they grey parse as a Carry, and lets be honest if you are a carry and are Grey parsing what are you bringing to the table?

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So I made 9g from this raid
 that’s ok, I guess.

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There was a person on our server that referred to it as the:

“God damn katalina (wine mixer) party.”

Perhaps the best explanation I’ve heard yet.

My Priest is full BIS. I’ve been running GDKP runs for the past couple weeks and have made almost 100g doing so.

Not sure why everyone hates on GDKP. Undergeared people get gear. People only missing 1-2 pieces can assure themselves a win. BIS geared people make gold. It’s a win / win / win for everyone involved.

People claim it encourages bots, but we all know they’re not going anywhere even if GDKP is banned. Blizzard loves bots, because they buy WoW Tokens.

My priest is just about the same, only need a hat. Seems like it wouldn’t matter whether or not a priest brings money, healers can be hard to find.

For sure. And if your hat drops after 2-3 runs you can spend the gold you made on previous runs to get it. If you don’t do GDKP you’re gonna run BFD anyway trying, but you’ll walk away with nothing (most likely). What’s the downside?

Playing Priest really is awesome. I get asked to join raids constantly, even when I’m already locked out. Don’t even have to LFG - groups look for me.

And like you saw with a 9g split it’s not like you need huge amounts of gold anyways.

This is what the anti-GDKP people are crying about. Us getting rich off of the RMT’ers

They know nothing. 9g. Its not much but its better then walking out of the raid with nothing.

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Which is still why I scratch my head that I was denied the first group despite them not knowing what my gear was and only cared about budget. Guess they just wanted a bidder then. They didn’t say that in the ad.

I walked out of SFK with ~40g BoEs twice. The Necrology robes and Shadowfang. Yet GDKPs are the problem?


Gold buying, supporting gold farming bots

A new troll emerges from under the bridge.

It’s entirely down to the raid leader and what they want, there are so strict ‘gdkp’ rules in that regard.

You can fill a raid with very geared players who don’t want any gear, and nothing will sell and the pot will be very small.
You can fill a raid with very undergeared players and you may not end up killing all of the bosses.

Typically a ‘good’ GDKP raid has a balance of geared carries and people who want to buy gear with some gold. If the raid already has a bunch of geared carries the raid leader will likely start to filter out the last few spots for people who need gear and have gold to buy it, the amount of gold expected is subjective and varies.

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that’s about average to what I’ve seen so far, I got 7g last night myself.

Most runs, especially those done by experienced GDKP leaders/admins, will choose to do all the bidding at the end. There are numerous reasons:

  • The pace and focus of the raid is not disrupted by loot bidding after each boss. I’ve seen many people just afking and jerkin it over loot drops instead of moving on to clear trash, it slows things down so much and can lead to silly deaths if it’s tanks/healers.
  • People can make better bidding decisions when they know what every boss has dropped, for example, choosing not to bid on a minor upgrade and save gold for the bigger upgrade from a later boss. The leader can put up bids in a more intelligent order to help this.
  • People make less bidding mistakes and bid faster when they are not also trying to clear trash at the same time.

It’s about the raid leader my man and some just run a really tight ship, it also looks like I was wrong earlier
 my bad. I guess I just seen the sharp questions as distaste.

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