Experienced raider LF Late night guild!

Hello there as you can see I am a CE player in retail and looking to come back to classic after all these years, I would be interested in playing warlock, hunter, rogue or priest for any raid team! Looking for a team that raids late nights also!!!

add my discord tag @ Forbidden#2167 or btag @ Forbidden#12944

GREETINGS! Are you a skilled WoW veteran whose primary goal in Classic WoW involves killing Kel’thuzad with a band of the coolest bros you’ve never met? TEMPLAR wants you!

We’re a raiding guild with roots dating back to Vanilla where all content was cleared through Naxx. We aim to do so again. At this point we’ve achieved Anathema’s server first Onyxia kill, and have had Molten Core on farm since approximately 2005.

Our guild consists of a single 40 man raid team, with no plans for another. We are a tight knit group of friends, both old and new, that enjoy blasting through raid content and having a good time doing it.

We are currently seeking a few more skilled healers and melee DPS to round out our roster in preparation for BWL:

2 Paladins (Holy)
1 Priest (Holy or Disc)
2-3 Exceptional Melee DPS


T/W/TH 6-9 PM PST (Server)

(We currently raid only Tues but will expand as more content becomes available.)

Tired of watching every Shadowstrike get Loot Counciled to the guild master’s e-girlfriends when you are the true master of Molten Core? As one of the last proud DKP guilds in existence, we believe in fair and transparent loot distribution and use Monolith DKP in MC/Ony and will be switching to an EPGP DKP system through BWL and beyond.

If we’ve checked all your boxes, and you know you’re the badass dungeon delver we desire hit us up TODAY!

Message an Officer in-game for more info:

Florra#1931, Curic, Denth, Fatherscott, Myceis, Shunye, Xarik

What level are you currently? We can use priest or hunter, more info below