Experienced dk lf raiding guild

Part Time Pro (8/10M) CN is looking to expand our roster and add a second team on Wed/Fri. Currently second group 3/10 H SOD in need of pumper DPS Heals. Wed/Fri 630pm - 930pm Pacific/Server time. Pst for more info! We also run keys!

Hello. I represent Carried on kiljaeden horde. We are a mythic raiding guild that is currently progressing Sanc heroic 3/10 our first week. We are very interested in your services. Fri and Sat at 9pm pacific until midnight. Gorlock#7739 on discord…

Are you still looking 1/10 mythic 7/10 heroic alliance guild add my discord Goosefraba#3619

dont save her is looking for more players to add to our roster, raid times Tues to Thurs 8-11 pm EST, currently led by 1/10M and 8/10H SoD players. If interested add Fruity#11155

Hi Evoltra,

Are you available to swap servers/faction? If so, Here We Go Again might be your new permanent home! We are 10/10N, 5/10H SoD, finishing 8/10M in CN last tier. We raid Tuesday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Super funny and laid back guild, who enjoy heroic and mythic progression.

Please feel free to reach out on discord to our RL joyner#1046 (bnet: joyner#11648) or our other officers Curves#5760 and Holypower#6874


Hey! We’re a late night guild so im not sure how that would work with your schedule, but we could definitely use an UH Dk in our raid team! Check out our post and HMU if you’re interested in talking! [H] <Safehouse> Area 52 recruiting for SoD! - #2 by Schmiitty-aerie-peak

Hi Evoltra,

AMP is a Horde guild on Dragonmaw (connected to a bunch of realms) and we’re looking for a DK. We’re 8/10N SoD and we have AOTC for CN. AMP has been around a long time and we have a great Discord server. We currently don’t have any plans for pushing into Mythic content. We raid Tues/Thurs 5:30-8:30 Pacific.

I’m shazbot!#0001 on Discord if you’d like to chat!


Crimson Creed is looking for a DPS DK for our raid team. Check us out!


Has Many Wrinkles - Is a Semi-hardcore Raiding and M+ guild on US-Stormrage, looking for consistent players with a good attitude to join our raiding teams to push for end game content!

Raid Times & Days:
Weekday Team: Tuesday & Wednesday -10pm to 1am EST - 7/10 Heroic Prog

Weekend Team: Saturday & Sunday - 7pm to 10pm CST - 7/10 Normal Prog

Current Progression: has two different teams so that we can encompass multiple types of players who wish to see end game content! A lot of the raiders in the guild take part in both teams, here in our guild we don’t believe in an “A Team” and a “B Team” we are all aiming for the same goal, just at different paces.

Applications and Admittance: Raiders - Every raider will be required to submit an application for full admittance to the raid team, no exceptions. Vetted players may have a shortened trial period but are still expected to adhere to the expectations to a normal trial. Raiders and Trials are allowed to every raid.

Attendance and Attitude: This is a game, not a second job. That said we still will respect each other’s time, consistent absence without notice will risk your raid spot. Attitude is also a very big deal for us, progression is about learning, do not expect bosses in the middle of the raid to go down in a week.

Requirements: - We’re looking for people who the drive to research, someone who wants to continuously improve and sharpen their skills, as well as people who can commit to our raid times consistently. As we are aiming to move into Heroic & Mythic Asap.

1. As we are progression focused guild we ask our raiders to be above 220 iLvl, within reasonable cap of Renown (Unless you have made a swap recently. If you have, please let us know!)

2. 235 iLvl Legendary or the Ability to get one fairly quickly. We understand folks are trying out new classes and specs. Be transparent with us when inquiring about joining!!

3. Can Vibe with the crew, and are willing to commit and be ready to learn!!

Current Recruitment Needs:

Weekday Team: Two Healers (Holy Paladin & Mistweaver Preferred) and Ranged DPS (Warlock).

Weekend Team: Tank (Druid or Death Knight Preferred) and Ranged DPS. All Roles are welcome for Mythic+, Leveling, Pvp, and More!!

Recruitment Contacts:
JTroubz - GM: Discord: Jtroubz#1505
Tonilyn - Recruitment Officer: Discord: Tonilyn#8643 | BNet: Tonilyn#1112

Hey there! We would love to meet and chat with you. Give me a shout on Discord: Travatron#5505.

Talk to you soon!

Hi, check us out!

Hey there!

Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.

Raid Days

Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST

Our priorities for recruitment is the following:

  • Healers - ***All healers high priority
  • Ranged DPS - Shadow Priest ***High Priority - all other ranged is medium priority
  • Melee DPS - *low priority

All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.

Current progression

Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 6/10
Mythic - TBD

Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.

Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 1500 and many more climbing. If PvP is more your thing we have an RBG team and several multi-glads that love to run arenas with multiple players over 2000 rating in both 2’s and 3’s.

Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)

or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.

Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157

Deff - Battle.net - Beautyinwar#1784 - Discord - deffmetals#1002

Hey Evoltra! Our AOTC raiding guild is looking for a tank. We are currently 8/10N and raid on Saturdays: 9pm-12am and Sundays: 9pm-11:30pm EST. If those times/days work, I’d love to chat with ya. My bnet is AwesomeAaron#1807.

Hello Evoltra! If you’re open to faction changing and server xferring, our times would really suit you. If not, best of luck to you!

Constant Karma is recruiting to bolster our roster for 9.1 and future tiers.
We are a laid back tight knit group, with a chill raid atmosphere. Our goal is to raid efficiently on a 7 hour per week schedule to achieve a competitive Cutting Edge each tier.

• Current progress: 2/10M and 9/10H
• Raid times are Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30-11pm Central
• We are currently looking for ALL ROLES.
• Solid logs are required to be considered for a trial.

Please message one of the following officers for more information.
Btag: Arrent#1782(me), Enigma#11219, Tazby#1457, or TayTay#11468

US Stormrage, Alpha Guild is looking for a talented and flexible DK.

About the Guild

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game
BNET: Sylv#1803
Discord: Sylv#1787

Hello Evoltra!

We are on Illidan-Horde. We raid 9:30 PM - 12:30 AM PST Tues/Wed/Thurs. We are actively seeking another DK for our raid comp. If you would like to be apart of our team reach out to Samerious#11753! We would love to interview in our Discord :slight_smile:


We are currently looking to pick up a couple of MDPS and think you would be a perfect fit for our guild! Below is all of our guild information if you have any questions feel free to ask!

Name: Next Pull For Sure
Server: Mal’Ganis [Horde]
Progression: 1/10M, 9/10H SoD
Times: Sat/Sun 7-10pm CST.

BTAG: Owlkaboom#1536
Discord: owlkaboom#1245

If interested please apply below!

Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYz3ekU2DoQ8FbmJXegEyUOA-ChQSJnkn8m6KAjXpsD2XEsA/viewform
Recruitment Thread: [H] 3/10M SoD Weekend Raiding Guild LFM Mythic Oriented Raiders
WCL Link: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/575069

Howdy Evoltra!

Ashes of Exile is recruiting two or three more deeps for our mythic progression team. last tier we went 3/10 while rebuilding the core of the guild, and creating the raid environment and community that we want to foster going forward. Looking for a few more people to join us and progress into the new raid while keeping a fun raid atmosphere, which is something we already do this well.

-What we bring to the table.-

We are organized. - We show up to raid prepped and ready to go. We accomplish this by maintaining a consistent discord attendance. At the end of the day we are all adults and have lives we have to manage it is important to respect everyone’s time. We also encourage and assist members with pursuing the highest end of content. Including KSM and completing 14+ keys. Mythic raiding and some pvp!

Effective Raiding- First week of SoD we successfully cleared 3/10H and 5/10N while we had some players absent, In Castle Nathria we cleared 3/10M while revising our roster and tying up loose ends. Our goal is to push as far as we can every tier. We Raid T/Th 8:30 to 11:30 EST. Trying to maintain wow/Life balance with 6 hours of raiding a week.

We Have fun- the point of the game is to have a good time, if you can do that raiding with us then awesome, if not do what you enjoy.

We Kill Stuffs (and things)- Our goal is to kill bosses, log in and use our time effectively during raid to actually down bosses and progress.

Community- We enjoy gaming together outside of wow too. when there is a lul in content we spend more time in other games and doing what piques our interest at the time, and we do lots of these other games together. I think this is eve more important these days. to have a place you have friends in wow and in other games.

Memes- We even make our own, check out our discord if you want to see more.

-What do you bring?-

Be well versed in what you’re offering in terms of class knowledge, be prepared, admit mistakes and if you’re unsure ask questions.


All outstanding candidates will be considered. We are mainly in need of ranged pew pew. We are interested in a mage and a shadow priest however if this sounds like somewhere you would like to raid apply anyway.

-Contact Us-
Feel free to add me on discord Vul#8209 or Bnet at Vul#1274, its great to be able to hop on discord for a few to chat, if you see other guild members online you can say hi and they will put you in contact with us too!
Current Prog: 10/10N 5/10H

Hell Rising UWU Blackrock is interested in your skills

Eternal - Zul’Jin is currently recruiting any and all exceptional players for our raiding team(Tues/Wed 9-12:30EST, Sunday 9-12 EST). We are a guild that prides itself on hardcore progression and effort, with a semi-hardcore relaxed environment. We allow everyone a fair shot to make our core team, but if we don’t like what we see than we will not be keeping you on the core team and asked to step down to either the bench or into a casual spot. All of our desired classes for current or future progression are listed on WoWProgress, but regardless of class, we are always accepting all exceptional players.


What is your progression?
Past tier Progress:

-Antorus: 7/11 Mythic.

  Battle For Azeroth:

-Uldir: 5/8 Mythic.
-Battle: 9/9 Heroic, 3/9M.
-Crucible: 2/2 Heroic.
-Eternal Palace: 8/8 Normal, 8/8 Heroic.
-Ny’Alotha: 12/12 Heroic (We received AoTC and did not enjoy the state of the game so went on a break until SL).


-Castle Nathria: 10/10 Heroic, 6/10 Mythic
-Sanctum Of Domination: 8/10 Normal, 6/10 Heroic

What are your raid times? Our team raids Tues, Wed 9-1230 EST, Sunday 900-12 EST.

What are your current class needs? Well, we currently are recruiting all exceptional players for our core. For specific classes needed, check our WoWProgress page.

What is your goal for the core? Aiming for top 150-300 US.

Do you allow off server raiders? For trialing yes, but after that you must be within the guild, on the server.

What do you offer outside of raiding? Well, we have a solid group of people who enjoy pushing higher keys, alt raids, and have a good community playing other games outside of WoW together.