Expedition to the Azure Spawn Part 1: Gathering Herbs and Minerals!

"My fellow Members of 27-B ,

As we continue to push the boundaries of our understanding of the world, I implore you to consider the potential applications of Rousing and Awakened Decay. I believe that there are countless areas in which they can be utilized to benefit the Forsaken.

The Gnolls of the Azure Spawn possess knowledge and resources that can help us unlock the full potential of these techniques. I urge you to join me in an expedition to the Azure Spawn to gather herbs, minerals and information from the Gnolls. This will be a great opportunity to bond and network with other members of 27-B, as well as to contribute to the betterment of our people.

So come one, come all, let us uncover the secrets of the Azure Spawn and pave the way for a brighter future for the Forsaken. Together, we can achieve greatness.

Plagueghoul, leader of 27-B."

We’re going to begin exploring professions in-character. We’ve spoken a lot about the Azure Spawn and decayed seeds, so this week will be all about gathering professions!

For this event I encourage you to invite friends, even from other guilds or factions.

When: Today - 6PM Server Time