Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

They’re underground. This argument can be used for any of the races prior to them being added but “always being there”. Not a strong rebuttal.

“where were the vulpera this whole time?”
“where were the mag’har orcs?”

Also the facial hair of a video game character shouldn’t really be a hill for anyone to choose to fight on tbh. Just ignore it like I will.

a couple jokes over the course of 30 years doesn’t really mean that you should take it as canon.

World of Warcraft is not ALL of Warcraft. Or do you say Warcraft I, II, and III aren’t “Warcraft”?

Either way, I’m no longer engaging in this conversation with someone who is clearly is only here to troll.


It is. There’s a quest that briefly mentions it.

Also toddy whiskers. She has side burns (or what looks like side burns)

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Bye. Don’t start something you aren’t willing to finish. Can’t handle the heat stay out of the kitchen.

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Deargodinheaven I just linked you the lore.

It’s seriously sad to watch anyone continue to live in ignorance by not reading.

In game quest reference: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Family_and_the_Fishing_Pole

Other references are in Day of the Draagon pages 164 and 262-264.

I’m not responding further to anyone in this thread who wants to play at obtuse.


What if I want to be accute?

Also here is that same thing on wowhead.


yeah i wasnt a real big fan of the dragonscale expedition

You’re already cute!


You arent a big fan of a lot of stuff. Must be fun at parties.

Awe! Ty!

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There is a gravestone for a game in this game… you guys can’t even agree if it’s a joke or actually saying dwarven women have beards.

So where are they? Do they find themselves hideous and don’t want to come out? Do they shave them off? Or do they just not have beards and you guys are looking for things to confirm your wants?

The devs at the time simply didnt add it in for whatever reason.

New earthen have them and they are briefly mentioned in the lore a few times both books and as side quests. Also that quest is still around in classic versions of the game.

Also i do not understand the hostility here. If you dont like bearded lady dwarves simply dont use the customizations if they add them. Was simply a suggestion


Confirmation bias it is.

How can it be conformation bias if theres quests and lore?


That’s exactly what confirmation bias means. You are looking for things to confirm your bias. The fact that there are no bearded dwarven women is proof enough.

So you’re saying cause the model doesnt have it, even though they are referenced in quests and lore, they shouldn’t have them?


By that point no one is talking about the thing anymore.:smiley:


I noticed and thank you for the spelling correction there. I get that one mixed up


Teasing is one my favorite things for people I like.

Dark Iron need their beard customization touched up, there are so few options. Maybe females getting beards would give them an excuse to also look at the limited options available lol.

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