Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

I think the problem is that for some, probably a small minority, bearded females would bother them if OTHER people had them.

Well Blizz seems to disagree with that. All you can do is not use the customization.

Moot point, Fuzz.

Also, yes to beards on all dwarves.


That clip beard looks painful


Since some people are talking about other stories… those are other stories. Tolkien created a universe and things within that universe should follow the rules that he created. It’s why the Rings of Power is a laughing stock and not even close to his work.

The dwarves women in his universe have beards. The dwarven women of WoW do not. Customization can and often does come at the expense of the immersion and established lore of the created universe. It’s like saying the humans in wow should have tails, Orcs should have antlers and gnomes be tall.

Just because you want something doesn’t mean it’s justified within the established story.

Earthen with hair beards in my opinion doesn’t fit, they are earthen and they have already existed and their beards were stone as well or at the very least whatever the dwarves were prior to the curse of flesh. The female earthen having beards is kind of ridiculous within the WoW universe because then that means the curse of flesh prevented them from growing beards… somehow… and the males didn’t.

Wow dwarves are not Tolkien dwarves.

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Except WoW has also made established nods/jokes to bearded dwarf women in-game as well as being heavily inspired by outside sources like DnD and Tolkien. So yeah, if we take the in-game jokes/references as canon, they exist within WoW’s canon on top of the WoW dwarves being inspired by outside works as well.


For the billionth time… Vanilla WoW addressed this, as well. And Earthen women have beards. Guess what they are? The progenitor of Dwarves.


Are you serious? Jokes?

So then the curse of flesh is sexist? Is that what you are saying?

… where in the name of all that is green and good did you even remotely get that from?

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Yes, because they’re still a part of your precious canon.

And, for the third time:

How can you not? I already addressed it if you would have read my initial post that you responded to.

A joke is a joke. You know what was also in Vanilla? No beards on female dwarves.

Because it makes absolutely zero sense and sounds like you just threw a dart at a nonsense board to find the most outrageous thing to say.

Lines from Dwarves in the game stated they had beards.

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It makes perfect sense.

I’ve already explained it. If the earthen women have beards then the curse of flesh is sexist since they lost their ability to grow beards while the men didn’t.

It doesn’t matter if there is a line that says they had hooves… they don’t.

a prison I live in eternally as it wastes away around me through the entropy of all things.

They did not lose their ability to grow beards.

Straight from the game and lore:

Some females sport strong beards as well, which is considered a sign of beauty among members of the race. Known examples of bearded dwarf women include two members of Rom’s company during the Battle of Grim Batol, who looked the same as the men in the group but hinted at being sisters; one of Falstad Wildhammer’s grandmothers; and Gubber Blump’s cousin Graun. The comedian Perry Gatner’s routine includes a joke about dwarven women shaving. Dwarves often hide things in their beards.

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Iirc, this is part of Blizz’s entire WoW canon. Not World of Warcraft but it is part of Blizz’s canon.

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They did lose their ability to grow beards. If they didn’t… where are they all at? Hmm? Not a single one around yet you guys want to act like they are a dime a dozen.

If its not in Warcraft I don’t care about it.