Expand beard options to lady dwarves / dark Iron dwarves

i wish i could grow a beard irl.

but my suggestion allows everyone to get what they want - itā€™s a win-win outcome.

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Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m afraid that canā€™t happen.

Yesterday was already hard for me and Iā€™m sure for you (and because of other, real world problems today is even worse for me).

I donā€™t have anything else to add right now, sorry.

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but your my best friend. you will alwayts be my best friend.

Asking for what, exactly? A precedent already set by Vanilla lore and Earthen incoming? Whatā€™s wrong with it?

I wouldnā€™t personally use it but I see no issue with making it available. I canā€™t remember what game it was, but I remember making my female character and then slapping on this thin, handlebar mustache and it was the greatest thing in the world :dracthyr_lulmao:

also give us more short hair options kthx

Eh? Thereā€™s a quest from Vanilla WoW that spoke of Female Dwarven beards. And, iirc, a joke line from another Dwarf NPC, as well.

And Earthen (predecessors of Dwarves) have female beards.

So youā€™re insulting me for giving you information and asking you to tell me whatā€™s wrong with it?

You do realize female Dwarven beards have been a thing in fantasy since 1954, right?

ā€¦ what are you ranting about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Precedent set by fantasy standards beyond WoW:

While I donā€™t agree with what he has saidā€¦ people on here are trying to bait him to get him a temp ban. That isnā€™t kosher either. People have a right to their opinions no matter how offensive we find them.

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excuse me. no you dont act like this. no matter how mad. dont apologize for him.

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I agree. I would never. but some people for whatever reason.

Can you show me where Iā€™m baiting anyone? I asked him to tell me what was so bad about the beards that already exist. He went off.

Can you show me where I said they didnā€™t?

As a matter of fact, I said this earlier:

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never said you. I was just explaining my response that you posted towards.

stop fighting in friends thread please.

I see this thread went places

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sorry it went this bad Fuzzā€¦

Very original

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Iā€™m mad this wasnā€™t option sooner. Bearded dwarf women has always been a thing. Also not ever gonna say no to customization options.

More beards. Just for you. I couldnā€™t find chili fries, I did find one that I think is supposed to be girl scout cookies and milk? Those look like samoas?


just because something exists in other fantasy worlds does not mean that it belongs in World of Warcraft lore.

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