Excellent update. Nice to see you listening

Thank you to all the devs for listening to player feedback. The nerf to paladins damage during divine shield is a massive improvement.



Light be withOUT them


As a paladin…

I approve of the 50% damage reduction while Divine Shield is active.


Ty for being a reasonable one. Respect

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That set bonus nerf kinda makes just want to reroll as something else.

The Divine Shield nerf should only take effect in BGs. It’s insane that they’re changing an ability that is the same in all versions of the game.

Can’t be just bgs when open world pvp is the arenas of azeroth.

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Seems like a class balancing issue that Blizzard never seems to be able to figure out then. An ability that has worked the same for the entirety of the game shouldn’t be changed for the vocal minority.

welcome to Season of Spaghetti Wall. plot twist the wall is a hologram and the devs are just throwing spaghetti with different cook times . FREE BROOD REP, WUTS GREEN SHARD QWEST? LAUNCH CLASSICx2 SAME TIME AS PHASE DROP! aL bEnTe!

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Was that a jab at Lightbwithu?

The Divine Shield nerf is totally fine. Its PvE Set bonuses from T1 and T2 that make us OP in PvP anyways, not bubble lol.

I think it’s the fact there’s a bunch of other new abilities making this one perform differently. Since those other spells haven’t been here for the entirety of the game.

This isn’t going to affect good players. It’s yet another change to appease the bottom tier of players that whine and fellate them on social media.


What class you all gonna cry about next?

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now all the noobs that actually died to it can rejoice!

LOL no but that is pretty funny :sweat_smile:

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Ultimately, the begging for Blizzard to nerf Divine Shield started all the way back in Phase 2 when Shamans were so oppressively powerful that the forums were filled with threads complaining about them. Shaman Players and Horde Players in general needed some sort of counterargument to justify themselves, so they settled on “Okay but Paladins have BUBBLE and that makes them even MORE OP than Shamans!”

Shamans remained a dominant class for Phase 2, 3, and 4, with Ret Paladins only starting to truly get OP once people started picking up 6pc T1 by the end of Phase 4 and 4pc T2 by the middle of Phase 5.

But because they’d made Divine Shield the hill they were dying on to defend Shamans and Horde Supremacy all that time, they couldn’t inject nuance into the discussion and pivot to what actually made Ret OP in PvP in Phase 4-5 lol.

Now here we are. They got what they wished for. Divine Shield has been “nerfed”. You’re right that it won’t change anything whatsoever for any Ret Paladin who has a significant amount of PvE gear. Divine Shield is not what made us strong in PvP in Phase 4-5 and it won’t stop us from being strong in PvP in Phase 6 either so long as we have enough gear for the OP set bonuses.

To be fair, I have maintained that a good paladin has been OP since p1. Though, somehow the skill cap was too high for many players who, somehow, are still unaware Judgement is off GCD.

I’ll take “Having a better chance to survive an immune player for 12s so I can finally CC them and not be guaranteed put in the dirt” for $500

Ret was OP in Phase 1 for sure, but not so much in Phase 2 or 3. The focus on fast weapons and Exodin build kind of kept us from doing a lot of heavy damage in PvP, and with healing being so powerful, lots of little damage doesn’t do very well in PvP.

But Phase 4 on, we got back to having the option of slow weapon builds, and Phase 5’s T2 4pc set bonus literally turns us into a judgment/exorcism/heavy weapon hitting machine gun. Probably one of my top three favorite versions of Ret in the 15 years I’ve played WoW tbh.