[EVOKER SPEAKING] Don’t you DARE call Evoker mobile now! Evoker glide GUTTED

All you do is scream in all caps. And everything can be found woth a search.

No one cares.


Yes it is. He wanted to spam his screaming tantrum again on a Dracthyr he doesn’t play.


We are quite mobile and if played correctly we have a number of tricks for survival. Guess what im trying to say is play the class some before you rush to the forums and scream like a chicken with your head cut off without knowing what your talking about.

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What’s the number for the evoker mobile? And which evoker has to answer it? Do you have it on a rota or something?

When you answer do you say [EVOKER SPEAKING]?

I’m gonna call it!


You have Hover, which makes everything castable while moving except Empowers.

Glide was too strong.

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If you want to be mobile, be a hunter


Was it? Was it really?
Nerf it then for pvp only because there were no issues in PvE.

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Gonna be very honest and say i’m not really interested in them being an especially good class. Right now i find them pretty irritating and FotM.

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FotM would assume they are actually good to begin with…
But missing an actual covenant ability or functional conduits we barely scrape by.

They are the new plaything for Pre-patch that is all.

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Why do people feel the need to QQ loudly rather than actually learning how their class functions?


Oh noes…a bad player not playing what is likely to be a high skill mobile spec they are likely bad at to begin with…however will the game survive?


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If it’s so high skill and so good why aren’t you playing it then?

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You caught me. I keep forgetting Blizzard has totally restricted us to playing 1 and only 1 character. In fact, we can’t even respec out of the class we have and are contractually obligated, under penalty of IRL death and deletion from the universe itself, if we even think about breaking that agreement.

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I get why people who have played a class for years are crushed when their class sucks. They have history. Its baked into their wow experience.

Evokers have been out a week. Just dont play them?


Then don’t play it broski rofl get a grip


Aren’t Evokers one shotting people in Pvp though?

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Literally no one cares about pvp, I am shocked people take it into balancing account.

Split balance if need be. Pvp doesn’t impact players who do m+ / raid.

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That doesn’t matter on the forums you know. I’m embarrassed how many fellow americans DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW FREE SPEECH WORKS…and when it doesnt. It doesn’t work on a forum owned by a company.

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It’s still too fast for PvE.

I don’t think Blizzard wants the best way to move around to be spamming spacebar. That sounds annoying as hell.