Evil horde narrative

Let’s be real. Saurfang spared Malfurion. I doubt he bears the weight of Tyrande’s hatred over Sylvanas.

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Sorry for the doublepost, but is this an out of season April Fool’s joke?


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Your alliance colours are showing
if you are afraid of being painted with the evil brush, then the horde is not for you.

Middle Earth is that way, chief.


There was a lot of talk in the months before the pre-patch about how Anduin would be invading Lordaeron to “prove his manhood.” I think they could have presented that in a way that humanized him while still leaving him as a sympathetic character. But that storyline seems to have been dropped at some point.

Along with anything else that would make alliance a shade grayer than undriven snow.


I normally call out ad-hominem attacks used against me. I just think it is a poison in the US. But I can’t help but see that this thread has degenerated into them, and maybe I’m wrong to only object when it happens to me. So I’ll post my link…

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Ad_hominem

Remove the space before “.org”

I think Brokgar just kinda broke, lol


I’d also point out Anduin can easily refer to the fact Tyrande did the same thing when she thought Saurfang would be beneficial for her own ends(namely being a more humane overseer of Tedrassil)


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In trade chat today someone mentioned that Sylvanas is a better warchief than Garrosh was because Sylvanas managed to march north through Ashenvale, take Darkshore for the Horde, and destroyed an Alliance faction zone. Something Garrosh never did.

I kindly reminded them that Sylvanas also had something that Garrosh never had while he was warchief: Saurfang leading troops.

Ever since Saurfang was sent to the stockades, Sylvanas’s military track record has been nothing really to brag about.

In the end, I’ll be happy to welcome the dude who wins back to the Horde.



I hadn’t really thought about this. Yeah, I guess you’re right.


Well, to be fair, he got to Theramore and destroyed it.

Which was Garrosh’s decision to keep him in Northrend.

Saurfang didnt lead troops when he was WC?

Not personally that I know of. I don’t think he was even present in Cata onward until his recent return.

Well I for one, would like to have a Warchief - For more than Two expansions… Atleast.
That and I’d also like the Horde to stop having faction leaders die. I mean it’s like Blizzard has a fetish for it now.
< Drunkishly > “Letsh play Russian roulette with teh Horde leadersh againsh…
< Shoots twice > Aw yish I got Vol’Jin… AW NO, I HIT VARIAN I SOWWY .”

…I mean, :roll_eyes: I’d like to say I’m sick of the Horde being demonised & villianised, but honestly I’m just tired … Like, can we actually have a ‘Morally Grey’ area, or patch even where the Alliance are the bad guys!? I mean, it’s just getting /eyeroll at this point.
Blizzard said at Blizzcon it would be morally grey, and you could easily see justice in both sides.
Thus it appears.
Blizzard are nothing more than liars - With that statement… Unless they introduce a new event later on that makes the Alliance players think "By the Titans! That’s Dark, even for Old Gods & Void Lords… " in a sickened broken voice.

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From what I see, they basically told him to stay in Northrend to keep on mop-up duty. And he came back down for the rebellion.

i couldve sworn he was involved in a quest where he scolds garrosh and goes “u step outta line thats a paddlin”

well not to that effect but yknow.

You might be thinking of their little scene near the floor map in Borean Tundra. Saurfang gave Garry a tongue-lashing about strategically not attacking an ally during a war with a world-ending threat that Garry clearly didn’t listen to. See Twilight Highlands for Garrosh not getting it.


The evil Horde narrative sucks because the polarization in the playerbase over who Sylvanas and Saurfang are as characters is not constructive and is going to lead to disenfranchisement in the end.

I don’t like using Game of Thrones for an example but since I can’t think of a better one, here it is: Ramsay Snow.

Ramsay Snow is:
Downright despicable

The character had an indomitable screen presence. He was interesting and compelling, due in part to what the character did and also due to Rheon’s performance of the character. But whether you loved him or loved to hate him, you knew exactly who he was and who his motives were, and that he was likely going to get his comeuppance in the end. The eventual death of this character was cathartic for those who didn’t like him, but those who did like him weren’t about to swear off of the franchise just because he was gone.

Characters like Sylvanas Windrunner and Varok Saurfang are going to get players who either like or dislike them (there’s always going to be the indifferent group, but they’re much smaller). But what’s going to be different here is that those who support Saurfang see a different character than the ones who think he’s a traitor. Those who support Sylvanas don’t think she’s a tyrant like those who don’t like her leadership.

A character should be polarizing because their traits should engender different reactions from different people. A person can like or dislike carrot cake, but they both agree that it’s a carrot cake. What we have here is one person saying the cake is chocolate and another person saying the same cake is actually vanilla.