Ever wonder if

I can guarantee you they talk plenty of crap about the customers and social media posters.


the devs be like:


I think they publicly talk bad about some of the big streamers that play WoW, so I would imagine they do it for all of us as well to some degree

The players in general? Yeah, of course.

Specific forum posters? Probably not although if they talk about me I hope they talk about how cool I am.


If I were a dev I’d have a modicum of contempt for the playerbase. :dracthyr_love_animated: Have you ever talked to one of us? Sheesh. They could give us gold bars and we’d complain that they’re too heavy and exclusionary towards those with back issues.


They don’t know me, and I would like it to stay that way. I want nothing to do with them, their minions and their haters.

I mean… I would…

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Mostly office stuff. When they say “what players want” they go mostly off by streamers and their sheep fan base, and world first raiders.

Other then that if they would focus on game it wouldn’t be in this state

The manatees?


Anyone with any experience in a service type job knows when you aren’t near the customers you will talk a lot of crap about them. Especially if you are angry with someone or an incident.

Hey Bob, guess what those (expletive) posted on the (expletive) forum today!

I don’t have to wonder; I know they do.

Of course. Developers always have Stupid User Tricks stories. I know I do, and why should they be any different?

I hope they are able to enjoy some of the more creative and entertaining people who post here. Some of you are so witty and funny.
I do know they are aware of the forums, for sure.

I think Blizz employees are not allowed to post in the forums or even have a forum account unless they are authorized to do so, that would mean talking about us during their 3 minute lunch break is all they can do.

Imagine if Blizz employes could come here and voice their opinion on any issue, including scandals, like the conspiracy to deny us the 60 slot bags we need. :slight_smile:


if you’ve worked any time in any customer service job at all then you’ll know the answer to that one.
If not well. Of course not we’re only here to help you sir! have a wonderful day.


The same overworked Blizzard forum moderator seeing Dread get mass reported for posting cringe yet again:

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You know they do! Probably say things like “How do we suck more money out of those whiners?”

probably i mean i work as a cook and lots of the staff talk bad about the clients.

imo even if they were allowed to come on here and talk smack to us and have 0 consequences i doubt they’d win. they’d probably get trolled so hard they’d log out and maybe never come back.

I honestly feel like they do. I mean, you have all these people who play wow, as paying customers. And any job with customers as direct or indirect, it can be pretty annoying maintaining a service for ungrateful people.

Heck, I talk bullcorn about the playerbase all the time. Usually to myself though. We have to worry alot about everyone’s feelings nowadays. And I wouldn’t want to get reported and suspended for life lol.

It is usually why I play wow mostly solo. You just don’t have alot of objective thinkers anymore either. People in general these days just annoy me.

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