Even out the customization for everyone

In all fairness, male Blood Elves don’t seem to be getting much in comparison to female Blood Elves. Male Blood Elves got like one pass of new options while female Blood Elves keep getting more options added to them.

“Male Blood Elves don’t exist” is real, apparently.

The last races to get new options are currently getting a better deal out of the customization update then the earlier races to get updated, though. They need to give some of these races like Worgen, Goblins, and even Blood Elves and Humans another pass to bring them up to the same levels as Orcs, Tauren, and Night Elves.

Anyway, new build is confirmed for tomorrow. They’re doing a character wipe during beta maintenance. Probably means there won’t be much in the way of customization updates, though.

Especially where scars are concerned. Female models seem to be getting far better and much more pronounced scar options than the male models. This is especially true with Humans.

Male Human scars are all very small, very faint, and are basically dueling scars (which strangely aren’t even going to be available for non-Asian light skin tones), while the female Humans are getting the prominent, very pronounced scar options that players would probably like to have on the male Human faces.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially with how scars on Humans are linked to specific face and skin color combos. I don’t think there’s much reason why scar options can’t be separated from face options and be usable (with adjustments where necessary) on both male and female characters.

I think the Human scar options are from an earlier point in development where they weren’t going to do scars as a separate option or separate Worgen form and human form customization.

I think the options need to be made a bit more even between both races and both male and female characters. I think people would like both prominent scars and subtle scars available for both male and female characters instead of one having all subtle scar options and the other having all prominent scars.


What? That’s a joke? 3 new tattoos and that’s basically it. Trolls are really shafted, next to others like Tauren and Gnomes.

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At least you got some new tattoos :stuck_out_tongue: alongside jewelry, new hairstyles, skin tones, tattoo paint customizations, and hair colors if i remember correctly?


Oh yeah 3 and 2 are almost the same, so much wooo. It was time we get those things finally.
Every race got jewelry and there was almost nothing yet for Trolls.
New hairstyles? You mean the dropouts from Cata and 2 new bold options? Great right? Right?

3 options, after 16 year finally for females. Woa the endless options.

That’s the one good thing. 2 of them should have been a thing since classic though, typical Darkspear skins.

So no, not that much at all and we still have only 5 faces and no beards. It’s depressing how bad it really is!

I also think horns and tusks can use more jewellery like things. Tauren got a good start (dam time after 16 years).
Perhaps also some teeth options for female Worgen.
Black fur should also be a thing for fur races.

Dreanei hair jewelry shouldn’t be looked to one hair option. Same goes for every other race. As examples the the Blood Elf tiara and other things like the Gnomish mecha-tiara thingy.

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Why on earth only females?

Don’t get my wrong. What I mean is simple: Females don’t show any teeth at the moment. Males got a pretty amazing look.

I’m all for more options and I think this could be one thing they could give to Worgen, both genders of course. I simply think females have non right now.

Worgen beard option? Braids?

I agree that there should be more customization options for trolls (and every race), but I’m still a firm believer that trolls (with the other races that you left out of my quote) still got the more “advanced” options. It’s a sad state for new character customization.

Really hoping that’s not true, but I’m starting to get discouraged. I keep holding out hope for more jewelry options for trolls - specifically necklaces and nostril piercings.

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As an answer:

I really see it like that. For some races it’s pretty basic. Tattos for example are one of the easiest things they can do. Sure they look cool. But it also took 16 years. Some new faces would be really appreciated.

I want the races to have equal amount of great (fitting for each race) customization options.

Same, for all races though. And jewelry option for tusk has to be it’s own thing, not bound to one specific tusk. And a green skin for Trolls.


I’m sourly disappointed with the Belf options. I love the new skin tones, but our three new hair tones are basically the same shade. Our jewelry is two colors (Draenei appear to have upwards four or five metallic tones to pick from), our ears are long/medium/short (where Nelves have different lengths and styles), our eyebrows are the same (referring back to Nelves), some of our jewelry is plastered onto our skin and isn’t even 3D, and two of the new female hairstyles for blood elves are recycled male hairstyles that they already have.

Everyone got shafted.


I couldn’t agree more. I have no idea why they would make those things specific to one tusk type when they’ve spent so much time separating other customizations that were originally tied together. Makes no sense at all.

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You can’t tattoo fur. Now, some warpaint on said fur would be awesome.

Ear piercings at the very least would be cool.

I’m personally hoping for some new hairstyles and jewelry options for worgen.

Maybe some bows in their hair so they can be cute little doggies? I mean… Corpsepaint. Black metal style.

That’s totally what I meant. I couldn’t possibly want a bow in my hair. Not metal enough. Nope.

/whistles innocently

Yeah, same. It’s getting worse, too, the feeling that we’re not really getting anything else.

I’d love to imagine that Blizzard would keep adding more things in patches, but I don’t have much hope of that. I was told a few times that, for instance, adding posture options for male worgen, male undead, etc., other hunched males, would be “too much work” for something like this. Yet that was just kind of… randomly added in a patch for orcs. Not an expansion, not a content patch, just yote in there, like the yellow belf eyes.

So I like to think they could add all kinds of things that people want to all the races over time, even after SL releases, but it took 10 years just to get a new worgen model that’s loaded with new glitches even now, so I don’t have a lot of faith.


Well, there we go.

Looks like there’s some more work being done on Humans. They separated out the male Human face options based on skin colors.

Presumably this means that they are going to use the face options to change the eye shapes for the new skin colors.

This also seems to mean that they have no intentions on ever expanding the number of face options Humans get. Looks like it’s possible that the original skin colors for Humans won’t ever get scar options if they don’t separate scars from faces and skin colors.

It seems like it might be a bit lackluster from the looks of it, since IRL there’s actually a lot of different eye shapes. The possibility that the original skin colors won’t ever get scar options is my biggest concern when it comes to the way they appear to be implementing eye shapes to the faces.

Aside from that, there’s still little in the way of anything actually new besides Druid form customization improvements.

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Still no Brand New Customization Options at all this week. Sign…

I kind of wish there was more to Humans, Forest Trolls, Draeneis, and etc.


Man all I want at this point is eye color options for the draenei… I can accept that males only got nubs for new tails and can’t separate horns from hairstyles (not happy about those, but I can accept them). However, eye color should be something every race gets. We’re the ONLY non-allied race without the choice of eye color, and even most allied races have eye color options. The four races without eye color choices are draenei, lightforged, nighborne, and dark iron.


As someone who mains male Kul’tirans, Worgen, and Humans, I got very, very, very little by way of customization options out of this overall.

I didn’t even get black worgen fur, which male worgen still desperately need. I didn’t get scar options for my male human with the skin tone I use. I didn’t get tattoos on any of the humans (including the race of literal sailors), and I didn’t get necklaces, or piercings, or a posture option for male worgen, or scar options on any of them.


EDIT: Yeah, OR worgen tail options when other races are getting tail options.


Also, don’t forget about worgen tails, something players have been asking about since they were first released!

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I think a good way to address this could be a simple first step:
If a race has a option (like let’s say different face shapes), all other races should get the same option, only fitting for their race (if it makes sense).

Some examples:

  • Separate the side burns for every race from the hair style like it’s already for the Night elves a separate option.
  • Make tiaras, bones, all other hair accessories and jewelry independent from all hair styles, so it’s possible to mix them with most styles.
  • Separate all horns from all hair styles.
  • Separate all tusks, teeth etc. options from their jewelry, broken etc. options.
  • Every race should get equal amount of face options.
  • Every race should get equal amount of hair styles.
  • Give at least 2 different skins to every race.
    Darkspear Troll - Forest Troll
    Human - Thin Human

Equal amount of options for everyone has to be a thing.
Those are only some suggestions, there is a lot that can be done.