In all fairness, male Blood Elves don’t seem to be getting much in comparison to female Blood Elves. Male Blood Elves got like one pass of new options while female Blood Elves keep getting more options added to them.
“Male Blood Elves don’t exist” is real, apparently.
The last races to get new options are currently getting a better deal out of the customization update then the earlier races to get updated, though. They need to give some of these races like Worgen, Goblins, and even Blood Elves and Humans another pass to bring them up to the same levels as Orcs, Tauren, and Night Elves.
Anyway, new build is confirmed for tomorrow. They’re doing a character wipe during beta maintenance. Probably means there won’t be much in the way of customization updates, though.
Especially where scars are concerned. Female models seem to be getting far better and much more pronounced scar options than the male models. This is especially true with Humans.
Male Human scars are all very small, very faint, and are basically dueling scars (which strangely aren’t even going to be available for non-Asian light skin tones), while the female Humans are getting the prominent, very pronounced scar options that players would probably like to have on the male Human faces.
It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, especially with how scars on Humans are linked to specific face and skin color combos. I don’t think there’s much reason why scar options can’t be separated from face options and be usable (with adjustments where necessary) on both male and female characters.
I think the Human scar options are from an earlier point in development where they weren’t going to do scars as a separate option or separate Worgen form and human form customization.
I think the options need to be made a bit more even between both races and both male and female characters. I think people would like both prominent scars and subtle scars available for both male and female characters instead of one having all subtle scar options and the other having all prominent scars.