You know many people derive their satisfaction of seeing self deprecating things in other people. Chinese, German and Spanish have even terms for that kind of sentiment.
They dont see that making fun of a person name is not funny.
And where I live, it actually sometimes gets really annoying, because many thai names are transcribed using words that english speakers use as “dirty” words.
It really reveals the character of people when you see someone who just got here making fun of the names of things and people.
No, what will happen is they will rebel against their parents. Create things. This will in turn outrage the modern-day stand in for Patricia Pulling. They will try to cancel them. But they will fail to realize that the people instead relish and drink in the anger as the whole teen thing is rebelling. Said people will then be called the geniuses who created classics.
I look for 2035 to be the next renaissance of gaming.
You know they actually changed the random name generator.
Some time ago you would have specific name types among the races, and then they normalized the names so they mostly look alike, and you cant really have names suggested that might seem “IRL ethnic related”.
Plus, they have a much wider filter to what terms you can use, to the point some perfect fine names in one language will be blocked because it means something in another.
Some people have to understand change means that one’s a literal innuendo joke, or reference to employees. This is definitely one of those two. The bowl of fruit isn’t one of them (Unless that painting is somehow modeled after a employee)… The point being.
The name change was more necessary than people should realize.
Its odd because it seems to cause more of a loss then a gain to most all companies that do this. But I guess they see the real effects then us outside looking in.