Evaluation of condition change mid macro no longer working

So up until 11.0 this would work:

#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [stealth] Rake; [nostealth,nocombat] !Prowl;
/cast [noform:2] !Cat Form;

It’s an all-in-one stealth or cat form macro plus rake if stealthed. This used to work as casting Prowl would immediately update form/noform conditionals so the 2nd line would skip.

Since 11.0 however it seems macro conditionals are evalulated at the start and don’t update until the end? So it’s no longer possible to make a stealth or cat all-in-one macro?

It’s still possible to do a sub optimal all-in-one macro such as:

#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [noform:2] Cat Form;
/cast !Prowl;
/cast [stealth] Rake;

This isn’t great though because Prowl is off the GCD and Cat form is on the GCD, but this will invoke the GCD when prowling.

Is there a workaround and or any information on what blizzard have changed?


#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [stealth] Rake; [nostealth,nocombat] !Prowl; [noform:2] !Cat Form

This has the downside that when Prowl is on cooldown you can’t shift into cat form (out of combat). It’s probably the closest I’ll get to what I’m after though.

Oh yeah, that’s not ideal. I’d probably stick with the original macro or tweak the 2nd to

#showtooltip Prowl
/cast [noform:2] Cat Form
/cast [stealth] Rake; !Prowl

Also, don’t end lines with ; it’s unnecessary and has been known to cause issues on rare occasions.

This version invokes the GCD unnecessarily.

Human → Prowl = no gcd
Human → Cat → Prowl = gcd

I’m fairly certain it’s no longer possible to do what I’m after via a standard macro since whatever Blizzard changed in 11.0.

This does indeed seem to be changed from previous behavior. Here’s a simpler macro that no longer works with a single button push:

/use [noform:1] Bear Form
/use Skull Bash

Previously a macro like this would instantly shift to bear form and skull bash. The skull bash portion now fails on the initial button press because you are not yet in bear/cat form to press skull bash.

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I think any macro that previously worked through a state change (like changing forms) is no longer working. The following toy example also now fails:

/use [nostealth] Stealth
/use Cheap Shot
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Thanks for sharing.

I really hope it’s a bug and that Blizzard revert back to the previous behaviour.