EU guilds on NA servers

I just moved to Germany a couple months ago and I’m wondering if there are any guilds that run on EU time on Trollbane or Malfurion (I think is the linked realm?). My toons are in a good guild but I’m now going to bed by the time anybody is getting home from work and I’d like to be able to run dungeons and raids with a guild. I’m willing to start a new toon on a different server if there’s a guild that is willing to help me start out (with a couple frostweave bags for space). I like to tank (prot warr) and heal (resto shaman) or dps (ele shaman or fire mage). Those are my favorites. I can play something else if needed (no druid, rogue, or pally experience). I also like to run old content for transmogs and achievements.
If anybody is interested in having me become a member of their guild, please let me know. (so peeps know i’m not a high pitched prepubescent, I’m over 30, married, and have 3 kids.)

Please message me on Groxar or Dugolin on Trollbane. I didnt realize i posted this under an unused demon hunter toon.

Hey by any chance you found a guild?
I’m currently living in Germany. I’m looking for the same thing

Did either of you find a EU based in NA guild? I also moved to Germany and am looking for a guild that plays in my time zone. Willing to server/faction transfer.

If anyone here happens to still be looking. We have a Europe based community steadily growing and raiding once a week atm.