<ETS> [A] [Stalagg][PVP] TU-Fri 8:30-11:30 P.M EST GUILD IS RECRUITING!

Looking for more. Still in need of healers/locks/hunters.

why raid 4x a week when most guilds are aiming for 2?

4 times a week to make sure each raid is cleared on it’s first or second week. 2 time guilds will probably lose weeks of loot.

The aim is a few hours on reclears of course.

Guilds that are raiding 2x a week as more content comes out there is one of few things that will happen. They will spend there time on new content and ignore the old. Which has beneficial gear throughout the games life span. Or two not be able to complete said content. Of course once content is farmed. Fast clears=more time saved=less raid days. But the 4 days are there to accompany us when more raids are added.

ETS is not recruiting for Molten core only… I’m recruiting for the lifespan on vanilla. I want players that plan to be here for the next 2+years and enjoy doing so. I’m after the long term goal not the short term.

Reply to the posting so Excentric stops beating me.

Looking for more serious raiders.

come join us and have fun!


need more s

Looking for more serious raiders. In need of Priest/Hunters/Locks.


Recruitment is still open.

Still looking for holy priests :innocent:

Looking for more.



Still recruiting

Still open slots for holy priests

I’m very interested in this guild and recruiting for the entirety of Vanilla is something unheard of. I’ll be going back to my roots as a Disc 26/ Holy 25 Hybrid healer. I’m 29 years old, work from home and don’t have kids. I’ll Add you on discord and Bnet. I would also very much like to know which server so I can make sure a few friends of mine will be on the same server. thx.

Reach out and lets talk on discord.