<ETS> [A] [Stalagg][PVP] TU-Fri 8:30-11:30 P.M EST GUILD IS RECRUITING!

But the
H O L Y P A L A D E E N.

wtb holy paladins pst

They aren’t hookers. You have to treat the holy paladeen right or they’ll leave.

Still open for recruitment. Looking for serious players. If you read the above post and think this is a good fit get in contact with me.

Cool guild name

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gimme a holy paly for our leveling group!

Hey man I like your name : P

Do you have any resto Druid openings? :slight_smile:

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yes i believe so

Please add me on Bnet Excentric#1290 and or discord Excentric#0131

Dang if only you guys were pst instead

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What’s your availability? 3hr difference could work out for you.

Your raid times would be perfect if they were pst. So unfortunately the 3 hour difference makes it too early for me :confused:

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That’s unfortunate. : ( Good luck on your search however.

I’ll add you tonight. Is there an application or interview process?

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We can talk on discord and will go from there.

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Still looking for more serious recruits

need more recruits

Awesome group of players. Looking for a few more to fill the needed roles.