Eternity's End of WoW as we know it

The name Eternity’s End sounds like the ‘End’ of Shadowlands, and maybe the ‘End’ of WoW as we know it. For myself, playing from 2004 to now has been an ‘Eternity’. Hip hip hooray!


Yeah let’s hope they delete M+ as we know it and replace with much more fun procedurally generated random dungeons each time


True. “Eternity’s End” was definitely the end of Warcraft… all the way back when it was used in Reign of Chaos…

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You make it sound as though playing WoW for all this time has been a miserable experience and you are ready for it to all end. Excited even.

Why have you stayed all this time if that was the case?

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The chicken looks awsome! However, I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve spent hundreds of thousands in gold to buy runecarving gear. I do not look forward in any way to another level of massive gold sink, times two.

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Because how else will the people of the pizza parlor know I hate them if they don’t see me hate-eat their pizza as I glare into their eyes amidst them telling me that if I don’t like it I can leave.

I’m a paying customer, if I wanna hate-eat their pizza I’ll do that!


Miserable? Quite the contrary. I loved playing WoW. Only the last couple of expansions is when I started to lose my enthusiasm. I am still greatly enthusiastic for the future of WoW, but it needs to change.


If I wanted that, I’d play Diablo. Awful idea.

What exactly needs to change?


Forgive me for misunderstanding.

Hyperbole then?

You don’t seem like it, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. What needs to change for you?


Hmmm, people also thought Cata was the end of WoW as we know it too…

Baiting? I’m not going down that rabbit hole.

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No bait. Just a question.

If you feel like answering it you can, if you don’t that is fine too.

I’m just curious.

no thank you

No, this isn’t D3.

WoW has got to attract new players!

I know what I am going to say is not going to be popular, but … the carryover of players’ legacy things from expansion to expansion has got to be a deterrent to new players looking at starting with nothing. Of course, many expect to be rewarded for their loyalty, but I as a loyal player have never expected to be rewarded for such. I believe I speak for the majority of loyal players, but not for the loudest.

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It basically is with the loot parade in M+ only we get to enjoy running the same boring 8 dungeons for 2 years since blizzard doesn’t add new ones anymore like Legion

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i wanna answer this question. hehe
let me see if i can summarize:

stop everything they’re doing, and do the things they said they were gonna do before and then didnt or didnt finish.

for example, there are races that still dont have their heritage gear. can you imagine? heritage gear came out 2 expacs ago. imagine such an oversight in any other social game. and customizations - some things are so imbalanced, its almost unbelievable. like a race with 8 hairstyles, while another has 25. entire years are going by without a change to such imbalances. if they dont have enough employees to get that stuff done and build patches/expacs and cant hire enough to help, then stop, get the stuff done you said you were gonna do, and then go forward with patches/expacs.

removing fun features/skills/spells/talents because they are hard to balance around.

it is counterproductive and damaging to the game to remove fun. for example, removing the use of toys in bgs. nerfing classes. making us relearn flying every expac, when this is an rpg, the idea is to maintain at least a modicum of immersion, and its immersion breaking to insist we forget how to fly every expac or patch. flying is fun, just let us keep it. goodness gracious.

adding op classes/talents/etc, messing over everyone else.

the whole destructive cycle of fotm classes. make everybody fotm and then let the fun happen. and if there must be 15 different CCs then make 15 different ways to get out of CCs.


The guy in the video even said that Eternity’s End is the closing portion of the first chapter in the Warcraft universe.

So basically Orcs & Humans (Warcraft I) all the way to Shadowlands 9.2 is Chapter 1 of the Warcraft Universe.

Chapter 2 begins soon.

Yeah but what your suggesting wouldn’t work, and would be horrible. No one wants to re-experience the manor dungeon in bfa, the witches were run killers for example. If you want that kind of gameplay, try D3. Its perfect for you, designed from the start as a randomizer looter game. MMOs don’t work like that.