Essential to do since WoD

Stopped playing near the end of WoD. What is basically essential to do in Legion and BFA? (I’ll worry about SL after, unless i’d be better off just skipping to that).

You can’t hit SL until level 48 but you are probably better off waiting until 50 on your first toon through to gear up.

I would recommend Legion as the dungeons there will generally provide better gear unless you are doing BfA in Chromie time. Some early SL content is tough.

Also check out which allied races are part of BfA and which are part of SL in case there’s a race that particularly attracts you.


Indeed!. Sorry for the confusion.

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What do you mean by essential? I don’t think anything in Legion or BfA is necessary to complete in order to access any SL content, though the main story of BfA is the set-up for the main story of SL.

If you mean you want to play through Legion and BfA but don’t want to spend unnecessary time in them, that still depends on your priorities. The main storylines should lead you along fairly well (I think) if you want to complete them. Acquiring all your artifact weapons for Legion isn’t necessary from a gameplay perspective outside of Legion content (acquiring all of them isn’t necessary for Legion, either, unless you want to be able to play all specs for whatever reason), but it does unlock some transmog, and the artifact quests have some lore in them.

Like Nok said, you may want to see whether there are any allied races you want to unlock (though there are none attached to SL; I assume Nok meant to say to check which ones are part of Legion and which are part of BfA). There used to be rep-grinding requirements for unlocking them, but those are gone. There are still story/achievement requirements for them, however.

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Okay, so it sounds like i’m just going to go to SL and catch up there, and here and there i’ll go dink around in Legion and BFA just to check it out.

I do have a couple specific questions though.

  1. I have a quest in legion, Uniting the Isles, that unlocks world quests in the broken isles. I’ll hang onto the quest for now, but is it something that i need to eventually do, or doesnt matter now that legion is such old content?
  2. Professions. I have max draenor enchanting and 69/100 tailoring. I’ve unlocked legion stuff, but not leveled it up. Haven’t unlocked Kul Tiran at all. Is there any immediate need for finishing those, or can I just go do SL professions, and when I get bored and tired of it not being completed just do them then?
  3. Should I still be doing stuff with the garrison, or was that just WoD content and is now pointless?
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Legion world quests won’t be relevant to character progression anymore, but some parts of the class hall campaigns and other story campaigns will require you to do X number of world quests before you’re able to continue. So, if you want to do that story content, you’ll want to get world quests unlocked eventually.

You can definitely ignore old-expansion professions if current-expansion craftables are your priority; old-expac skill currently doesn’t matter to current-expac profession progress. You should only need to raise your Legion and BfA profession skills if you want to be able to craft cosmetic items from those expansions.

Note on the world quest thing above: Some world quests also reward profession recipes, which is another reason for unlocking world quests if you want one of the recipes in question. Also, though I don’t know if they’re super efficient to rely on, some profession-specific world quests can spawn that enable you to get skill-ups for making a specific item for the world quest.

If you want to be able to make any cosmetic items from your WoD-era professions, the WoD garrison is still a good way to grind WoD materials (and I think the only source of some of the soulbound ones). It’s also still a source of some non-profession cosmetic items (like the Stormwind Guard and Orgrimmar Grunt cosmetic sets) and I think is necessary to some PvP achievements. But it isn’t relevant to Legion, BfA, or SL content.

  1. You will need to do the Uniting the Isles quest line on your first toon through Legion content. The quest giver will give other characters on your account the opportunity to opt out of that into scenario.

  2. Unless there’s some particular item you want to make in a particular xpac, professions are pretty much a waste of time until the latest content. e.g. I do WoD alchemy just high enough to make the three major stat flasks that cost one secret apiece to learn because they scale well for a fair amount of time. Can’t use the flasks until level 32-ish IIRC.

  3. WoD may be the best xpac to level in Chromie time. XP is good and there are a lot of bonus objectives that give even more XP. If leveling in regular time, you hit the level cap for the xpac too soon to bother with a level 3 Garrison - expensive waste of time and resources for 0 return. Level 2 Garrison is high enough.
    In Chromie time You might want to build a level 3 garrison IF you want the stables which can give dailies to earn 5-6 ground mounts, or you want to level up a bunch of followers to max using the war mill/salvage yard to get mounts, pets, and gear from the mission table. Opening up the dockyard can lead to an heirloom ring.


I’m wearing the Org grunt set from WoD (except for the bunny ears).


Can’t believe the set doesn’t come with bunny ears.

Do you happen to know whether the two sets are cross-faction earnable? As in, if I grind the Grunt set on my Horde character, will my Alliance characters have access to the SW Guard set as a result?

I earned both sets on this account by farming the iron docks on an alliance character.
Sets are only usable by the appropriate faction but earnable by either.
They are two different sets, not one set that changes depending upon the faction of the wearer.
IIRC, I think that although I earned both sets on one alliance character, I might have had to send the horde items to a horde character to equip. Been a long time so memory may be faulty.

Here’s the SW guard set:

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