Last afternoon I got dced from wow and cant loging back to the game. It let me get to loading screen but it never finished its always like 75% for hours and then I get dced and the error 51900319 shows up, I dont really know what to do to fix it please help. I have already done the chace, addons and interface thing to rename it old but still stuck on loading screen, I even have unistalled the game and downloaded it back but still the same problem… please help me
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Hey there, I think I directed you here from the Bnet forum?
Can you add your DxDiag so we can take a look?
If it doesn’t fit, post it on Pastebin and give us the end of the link.
Assinatura do problema:
P1: OverwolfLauncher.exe
Try removing the Overwolf overlay or app.
How ? I have already unistalled it on my pc it doesnt show on remove programs
You may have some remnant files on the system. Unfortunately, since it’s not a Blizzard product you may need to get in contact with Overwolf for further assistance.