Error Retrieving Character List

Di’s is maykin’ mhe ungry mon!

I was in on one toon, and like you went to switch to send some things, BAM error obtaining character list…

Wheres the guy in blue to tell us whats going on?


Busy counting wow token money


I tried to create a new character on Westfall since the character list is down. That doesn’t work either.

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Small indi company, cmon guys relax it’s like raining outside, get a free shower!

I don’t see my characters on Whitemane, either - for Wrath Classic at least.

No issues on Retail or WoW Classic.

error on Bloodsail Bucs yet Hardcore on same server is fine. Deleted all caches. Still borked

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was in game playing just fine in flight and then dc. Now the error character list crap. pagel

yeah i can get to logen scaeen but can slect a char

Me too I’m getting the same thing

I just looted a binding. Hope it’s still in my bags lol

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One of the few free mornings I have and I can’t play!

Report back when you know gl bro

can’t even create a new character

cant login and now characters are gone

good thing we aren’t playing a game thats 20 years old…oh wait

Wtf Blizz… only day to get my “Pirate Day” achievement… hurry up

but we’re not, and that’s just the problem.

It’s a completely different game made to look and feel like the original.

i have all my characters on all of the servers i belong to have disappeared.
Pagel, Faerlina, and Sulfuras