Error BLZ51901021

Trying to connect and only get this error “You has been disconnected. Error BLZZ51901021”. ¿What it means?

I’m having the exact same issue.

Same. /10char

Me as well. I wonder if its the same issue they had a few weeks ago where all east coast verizon users were unable to connect for a few hours due to a verizon issue.

Same thing here

Yup, I’m a verizon user too

Same here, error code: BLZ51901016

Edit: Verizon user

Get that one too. In every attempt the error code changes.

Same issue. Used VPN and i am able to connect…

Hey, all!

It looks like most of you are Verizon customers, which a few exceptions. Please clarify when this first started happening, and if you are having issues with any of our other games or websites.

Yup, go get the free trial for Proton VPN.

About 15 minutes ago. Using VPN now and no issues… No other issues with sites, streaming etc no prob.

It started for me around 8:30. I’m not having trouble connecting to other sites and games, just WoW it seems. And I am a Verizon user.

About 3 hours ago since i renewed my game time, after installed the last patch. Just WoW apparently. Im VTR user (latin american provider)

Okay, thanks everyone. I wanted to differentiate this from the connection issues that were occurring earlier today. We are tracking the dropped connections on our end to see if we can do anything to help.

If anything changes, please let us know.

Only been 15 minutes, but it’s running fine again.

It works now :D!!! Thx

Just checked and it is working now.

Closing this up to prevent confusion with any future issues. This should be resolved now.