Sup man !!!
I’m going to play classic and see how it goes.I have fond memories of raiding so I’ll probably do that again.Are you going to start up another guild?
Infernalrage, evilprophet and slippydippy. Undead mage, and undead priest. Played with sack, and nightshift, and synergy. Cant wait for classic to come back and raid with some old friends
You the same redrum that was the guild leader of sack? If you are i hope you bring it back, because im in. You guys made me love the game. I remember our first rag kill and onyixa it was amazing working with all you guys. Keeper the orc shaman who brought every mat to each raid.
Amazulu - Tauren Druid - Paradox
Stormech (Tauren Druid) Gnome Punters, Below Me, Vengeance Seekers
Stormeck (UD Lock) Gnome Punters, Below Me, Vengeance Seekers, Matrix (SACK?),
Stormeq (BE Pally) Below Me, VS, Matrix, Sack
Zulkin - Troll Shaman - Paradox/Bloodshed
I think i played on this server… Was a troll mage named Tazo.
Playslkagirl and stormec
Worf - Orc Warrior - SYNERGY
Lachonz, rank 13 druid
Already see some names in here i recognize :D, Steeleyes, Worf, Redrum, Keeper whatup dudes
Who else here from Dark Knight Alliance / SACK / Nightshift / Bloodwolf Dynasty / The Flood / Months Behind?
Made a pvp vid back then and at the end of it had some pictures of peeps i played with: Alphahsin, Baroku, Darthcow, Divinepriest, Dreux, Eechergrub, Junkhead, Kayaos, Maloran, Nugua, Mastashake, Rsknight, Shaqoneal, Soben, Steeleyes, Wit, Worf, Alfanzo, Morim. Any of yall out there?
Psyoden - Cow Shaman - The Flood / Rehab
Hey nerd, you are already in the social group!
For those who aren’t, you can join using the link (that it won’t let me post)
by clicking the Groups + and then “Join Group” and type “https:// blizzard .com
/invite/4DkBP7pu0e7” (without spaces)
MadMoose - Rank 13 Tauren Shaman - Legion of the Dark / Bloodwolf tribe
Lokin/Nikol, orc hunter/ud rogue played with Chillaxxin and then Soldiers of Hate. In TBC raided with Sack though. Hi Red, do you miss Kornspriest?
Jones, undead, rogue
ROAR -> Paradox
Clown the Orc warrior! I can remember being in Eye for an Eye, SACK, Untergang/UGLIS, and Booty Lootin Pirates.
Glad to see some old names popping up!
Hey Lev! I remember you from Eye for an Eye
Dude… whatup jones its lachonz, i remember dueling you for hours xD
omg jonesss… join the social group!
and clown and lachonz… and everyone else!