Eredar Alliance Reconnections

this is great - i remember this happening still. that guy Seabee was with us i think.

Hey :slight_smile:

This may be a long shot, but for a while back on Eredar I was the member of a guild called The Seekers. I don’t remember anyone’s names now but I remember having some of my best times with that guild and I still regret leaving (although I like the guild I ended up with).

I was in there with Nycteris and Vlasta the most, I think! Anyone still around?


How have you been? I still feel nostalgia every time I enter WSG. Would love to relive some of the glory days. I am also trying to convince Yodaa to come back and play too, but we will both be very casual.

I think that happened because we created Bloodshed and stole a bunch of members :).

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Teragon, Gnome Warrior
The Council of Chaos, ThePeoplesYard for about two weeks, Banana Phone, and GIANT ENEMY CRAB.

hey man! long time! i dont know if you still remember me.

pizza en el cuartito? lol

PD: Sweetee - mage (Revival/Bakers)

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hi everyone Grand Marshall Valient here! also Dimarco horde side, we have made and Eredar social group and Eredar classic discord if anyone wants in add me MuRDeRa83#1543 I can add you all for good old times

Blanco, you were my favorite part of the Eredar forums.



then i got old and washed up.

Protojones - Nelf Rogue since super early on. I was in… prodigy, i think it was called? then Outsiders, The Guardians, then Months Behind on Horde where i played DPS also

Hey bud! myself & Nazzle are back!

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im really just here to see if BlueRogue shows up

Nazzle - Gnome Warlock - Revival/Scions of Destiny

Looking for old SoD/Revival members, Machinehead, Knod, and Lorax


saw this on another realm forum (remove the spaces in the url) the name search is case sensitive. you can find old guildies through your name/guild and view Ex Members.

http:// www.warcraftrealms. com/charhistory. php


hey buddy :wave:

Hi pal Valient here was in bakers toward the end w Ardria welcome back we have a Eredar social grp n discord HMU if you want in… MuRDeRa83#1543

Zachary - L60 Human Healadin
Lithurge - L36 NE Hunter
Mobs - L60 Dwarf Warrior

I ran the guild Backdraft Alliance very early on in the game (I was young). I was in CherryB’s Armor Superstore for a bit and eventually did farming raids with Hells Rangers.

Really looking for Mekormek, Catella, and Cherrybloom of course.


Dingle*****! - Not even allowed to type his full name anymore :’( My friend and I used to fanboi over him so hard sitting outside of WSG, inspecting him and asking him questions. He came and helped us with some Horde that were ganking in Ashenvale one time. Good guy!

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Guinuvere - Human Warlock - HOTSAUCE & Bloodshed

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