Eredar Alliance Reconnections

I remember you and a lot of people on here. Where’s Blocke, BT?

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Torec here lvl 60 dwarf hunter raided with flash mob. Also played my lvl 60 paladin chex. Currently playing horde on skeram with Squawl, Bagelsgodyea and Syncris.

I remember you from Unknown Entity. My main was a druid named Duva.

Human Maintank Sheninator - had lotsa guilds & lotsa friends, raided with Scions of Destiny, Dirt Dogs, Flash Mob, Order of the Claw, Epic Heroes & a handful others… was in small guilds early on like Blunt Force & stuff like that
@ Køgu @Wår Cailynn wutuuuupwutuuuup
@Darkstalkêr i was in TG when we merged I think.
@Vithar I recall fear when I hear those names :open_mouth:
@akohn RADAMANTIS! you were our raid leader & main tank for a while right?
@DrDope man i remember you… so much nastalgia!

I now play horde on bigglesworth by the name of Growmaryjane (Tauren Shaman) leading

When I left wow i went to play Warhammer Online & levelled up on PVP, main character was Sicuro, chaos healer (omg i can’t remember some of those classes anymore, but that game was badass)

  • Your character’s name, race and class. Practitioner, NE, Warrior
  • The name of your original guild on this realm. I Fate I

How to find me: Discord Practitioner#3378

Currently raiding on classic and LFM. Hit me up.


Sup Prac, accept friend request on discord already. Meet me there radamantis or give me your contact info, wanna catch up

Look at all these names.

Tyna - NE Druid - I ran a lot; and way too much raiding. Hard to remember what it was like to have that much time, really.

Altars of Madness

The Guardians
Scions of Destiny

I transferred around to different realms after BC with the Nerf That Ish peoples, too.

Currently, and who knows for how long, reminding myself of the old days on Kurinnax Horde …playing a druid named Tyna, because I’m super creative.

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Add me BOLDPOTATO#1361

Doing well, married with a family haha. How are you?

Hammett and I wound up rolling on Kirtonos when the launch day queues were at like 4 hours for the main servers.

Feuxbleu - Touch Not The Cat

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would love to join you

i can make a pally. yehvar will play. BOLDPOTATO#1361

what is sithion up to

Mantra - Scions of Destiny - Resto Druid

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yo dud is adorbloon me in blood play on sulfuras

Hey all, it’s cool seeing a lot of old names I remember on here.

I was Elenesh/Kremit/Krishnikov formerly of HOTSAUCE, Riot, Resolute, and The Guardians.

Doing the wow classic thing now on Mankrik.

Designate 29 Twink Rogue of here. I remember playing with Charlie, Helyn and Dragonwtfpwn. A few other guys I’m trying to remember. Dildanadon and Teradactyle or something. 2 other human rogues.

Hows everyone doing?

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I recognize a few names here even if I’m a bit late to the party (or the party is over).

Stabbey/NE Rogue from Aegis Requiem.

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Whitt! Good to see you’re around

Tellar! It’s Dumasdurt! Klang and I are back on Mankirk now, rolled a Lock named Negocio. I’m connected with Izzy and several old AoP folks on Facebook. :wink: