Era has the Happiest Players

I agree that there is a risk to splitting the community, but I would also posit that SoD and tbc also caused risk for the Era community, and the community has shown their resilience.

From the ironforge pro data Era has about 15k raiders, while wrath has 190k and SoD 180k. While 15k isn’t a ton of player it is also not a miniature community (especially when compared to the more promoted versions of the game) - and there are probably quite a few players on Era that never make it to 60 and raid.

But I truly believe Era is the best gamemode and I have no fear that the community will split and ultimately dwindle. On the contrary, I think seasons create a dynamic way for Era to grow in a healthy manner overtime.

  • Vanilla in phases provides excitements and new changes each phase that cannot be recreated in a static p6 server.
  • It is the best time for new players to join since the playfield starts equal every 2 years.
  • Everyone ends up back at Era so there is more value to Era itself (as the true engame) and I think a lot people that are raiding there today would continue to do so while playing fresh.

So there is a risk to community, but there is also massive potential upside. While Era should remain static I think the risks from rolling fresh servers are dwarfed by the potential upsides.

Making totally wild guess, I would say that each 2 year fresh cycle would lead to the total Era population to grow by at least 500-5000 players that would now play on Era that didn’t before, but perhaps a ton more. Depending on the success of the fresh server.

Well rolling out that dopamine on a 2 year scheduled basis seems like the perfect amount to me. People that fail to achieve their goals in the first season, can prepare better for the next one. Even those preparations are social and create dopamine thinking about their potential successes in the next season.

Each phase has enough ‘challenges’ and ‘competitions’ to keep the most competitive players excited, as well as new little toys to keep the casuals playing. Sure the game often loses steam after AQ gates, but that’s okay - the die-hards will stays and those that quit can wait a few months and xfer to Era if they want to keep their ‘trophy toon’. And I think a lot of those people would end up logging into Era in the future and actually using that toon.

Playing a bit of SoD made me crave a fresh vanilla server more than anything. I can’t bring myself to level a toon to 40 because I just dislike the runes and a lot of changes to playstyle, I just doesn’t feel vanilla - mobs in the world die instantly, the only dangers are other players and while it is fun to blow people up, it isn’t the kind of pvp that I love in vanilla in which players have a lot of agency and ability to counterplay.

I love Era and even if blizzard did nothing I would be happy with just Era. But I advocate for a fresh because I think it is nice to have community events around the game I love, and fresh is basically 2 years of different community events happening (each phase is an event, leveling, racing to clear raids, etc.) they all bring people together in competitive pve and pvp.

The fact that people have ‘solved the game’ or whatever that means, I think actually makes each new season more exciting, it lets people try to play at a higher level instead of learning a class or hoping this or that is good at a specific thing they are interested in. It would be fundamentally different than all the other wow modes that players basically don’t know what the next patch will bring to their class.

I think releasing one or two fresh servers during SoD wouldn’t be the worst because SoD phases are kinda low in content, so it would give some bored players somewhere to play that they will never truly complete (so much to do in a p1 fresh vanilla). And I think SoD did attract players that haven’t played a standard vanilla so they may be interested to try the difference now that they have some experience with the rune-version.

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Five threads below this is some goober screaming for a refund, but okay.

I think this is the only way to do fresh on classic or you’ll just have more and more dead realms as people abandon the old ones die the new fresh.


Yeah, we want to avoiding creating realms that will end up dead.

They could be on the Era tab but called:

  • progression-pve
  • progression-pvp

And they could just cycle phase 1-6 on a ~2 year timeline, with xfer available for last 3 months followed by an automatic reset of server, on their own forever basically. Perhaps there could be really tiny tweaks each season, but even with zero input just their existence could be awesome for the people.

I would agree insofar as it could be if done correctly. Even then I have many doubts. I have little to no faith in Blizzard and players to know what that is and player opinion on the matter varies wildly. We have Era servers, there’s plenty of room on them so the need for more Era servers simply doesn’t exist.

If it aint broke, dont fix it.

The ideas and suggestions are fine by themselves. I just don’t see it happening.

That’s the theory and its plausible enough but having played Classic from launch and keeping to Era through much of TBC all I can say is theory and practice were miles apart and I don’t see why it would be any different a second time.

Blizz rolled out SoD and had to curb GDKPs because of rampant RMT - in a far less interesting spin off. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all and that’s pretty much how I view Era.

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Just curious here, I’ve been programming computers since 1970 and I’ve never heard the term “fresh server” before. Just what is a “fresh server”?

A “new” Classic Era server where everyone starts off in the games launch state.

They generally go through each phase 1 to 6 - with each one new raids being released:
Phase 1: Molten core & Ony
Phase 2: World Bosses
Phase 3: BWL
Phase 4: ZG, Dire Maul
Phase 5: AQ 20, 40
Phase 6: Naxx

I’ll be happy when they stop messing around with SoD and breaking era. Era should be a priority but it’s not. So I’m not happy.

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But isn’t era suppose to be what ever WoW was when it was first released? Where’s the priority, all they have to do is duplicate what they had back then and leave it alone.

Are they not doing that?


pretty happy with the base version of the game. only thing i ask for is to remove the debuff/buff limit.

At this point its a reasonably close facsimile.

They are and they aren’t.

Every new build (Season of Mastery, Hardcore, Season of Discovery) is built off of and upon the base game. So while we have dedicated Era servers (now clusters) you’ll notice the current build is thanks to all the additions instead of patch 1.12 where Era kicked off from.

Since that’s how they’re working in the spin offs it ends up affecting Era servers with a multitude of bugs and whatnot.

Like C’Thun being drunk right now thanks to the latest patch (blizzard please fix this :pleading_face:)

Why wouldn’t it?

they hired people from everquest and tried to recreate their time lock servers
and failed miserably

I wasn’t a fan of sod and quit p2 but yeah.

Honestly now that I think of it… sod would have just been better off with pre tbc prepatch classes if class changes were the ultimatum/goal of sod instead of the runes

Classes and specs lost their roles and their place - everyone up taking the exact same role

The tank
The deeps
The heals

you meant monopoly is healthy, variety is not good?

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Never said anything about variety, but nice straw man.

I don’t like the way runes are implemented and I think they are tuned FAR too powerful for a game using a vanilla base.

Players are a couple ilvl points away from rank 14 gear as well, at level 50.

I said tbc classes would probably have gone smoother, but you ignored that part.

If all you can look at in wow is end game, vanilla isn’t the game for you. Retail makes amazing pve content every year and the game is tailor made for it. Vanilla is not that. Majority of wow players only care about their spec being “viable” in pve. In vanilla, the “non viable” specs were viable elsewhere if not in raid. But if you only raid, it’s time for a game

I’d quit sod so fast if a classic fresh dropped lol


you meant mage’s boost camps are vanilla specialty ? Are there any activities outside of trivial GDKP raids and mages’ boost camps in your era servers ?