Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

The same people who are still invading Ashenvale.


You don’t bad-mouth my people, got it?

They’re professionals.

So I’m sitting here watching this with my wife (who quit WoW during 9.1 because of grind/chores and perpetually feeling behind if she missed a day) and the first thing she said:

“So, if Tyrande is so concerned with her people, why don’t Maiev and Tyrande go jump in the Maw and help her?”

And honestly, I had no answer. If she wants her people recovered as fast as possible, wouldn’t that be the goal?

Don’t get me wrong, I get punishing Sylvanas and sentencing her to an eternity of penance in the Maw, but… Tyrande just comes off really poorly in these cinematics.


After actually reading it she does not “throw shade” at anyone. At best she gave a matter of fact comment that some people(especially people like Genn) want Sylvanas head. She doesnt doesnt seem to begrudge anyone for feeling it.

As for Maiev she seems to be of two minds about it. She cant seem to decided if it truly is right or just. Or just one of the two.

I know I spend too much time in neutral goblin towns when I can hear this with the m goblin VA, accent and all


While I love the idea of this, it just makes me even more peeved at the story. So, Ranger General Sylvanas thanks you for supporting Banshee Queen Sylvanas even though she hates her, and is repulsed by everything we did together…

That said, I choose to read it as what it really is. A subtle olive branch from Blizzard. An apology.


The Horde should unironically put Goblins in charge since they’re the only folks on the Horde with a culture of making deals.

One thing I would love to see in say 9.2.5 is Sylvanas making cameos in the maw and Torghast. Like she is fighting mawsworn in the unreachable areas certain floor tiles have.

Given her experience and how her obsession to keep Illidan in chains led her down a dark path, which we see in Stormrage. I can see why Maiev is on the fence. We have a lot of characters that show that blind vengeance leads you down a dark path. Arthas and the Stonewright are two more examples of that.

What people? That’s just a conspiracy theory.



And you make sure and tell everyone that.


No, I’m making a Nightborn, recovering from mana dependency, who puts all the pieces together and broadcasts them to 5.3 million million people in an RP guild called “Awakened Wonders”. Im going to name him Brussel Rand.

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It was posted in this thread, scroll up.

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How hard is it after more than a literal real life decade, to add some NPCs in Gilneas? To move Genn in there as a boss for the Horde players to go and slay, etc.

Some people don’t get how hard it is to be a Gilnean fan. Yes, there are other races with similar problems : the Gnomes have yet to recapture Gnomeregan, Goblins had to relocate in Azshara , Blood Elves / Draenei with their outdated zones, Night Elves and Forsaken lost their capitals.

But you know what? All of the above races at least have something. The Gnomes own the outskirts and a small portion of Gnomeregan. The Blood Elves and the Draenei although frozen in time, they still have two whole zones and a capital to call their own. Goblins have Azshara + a mini capital. The Night Elves and the Forsaken lost their cities, true, but they still have other zones / holdings under their control. (plus an option to go back and revisit their lost lands, not immersive at all but stil)

Do you know what the Worgen have? Nothing. Literally. They used to have a single tree in Teldrassil but that’s now gone. The only Gilnean area than I can think of (as in, with actual Gilnean architecture and Alliance friendly only) is Surwich at the bottom of Blasted Lands. It was taken from us after the Iron Horde invasion.

This is so depressing and infuriating when you think about it. Especially a player who likes to get himself immersed in WoW.


To be honest I don’t see an Alliance attack on Quel’thalas happening, unless its mean to cause a split within the Alliance. While both Alleria and Vereesa do want Quel’thalas back with the Alliance, neither of them want to actually attack it.

However with the Genn - Lor’themar dialogue, I can see Genn leading or approving the attack with Alleria/Vereesa trying to pull it back because they under attacking Quel’thalas will push further with the Horde over making it Alliance.

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I’m just…it’s hard trying to explain all this to people, who for the most part don’t actually care about us worgen fans. The only people you see defending us are other worgen fans :wolf:


My server is dead, but do people still use Gilneas as an RP backdrop?

Unintentionally, Gilneas was amazing and accessible for RP. I had heard once that they were aware it was used for that and didnt want to discourage that.

My wife and I fly up to the top of the lighthouse, sit there and watch the grey clouds hide the sun and or moon, obscuring the ambiguous time of night and or day.


My main character is in Argent Dawn EU (RP server). Yes, people still go there sometimes. Not as often as they used though, I remember some past events where Gilneas was full of life.

I got the impression that much of Boralus was designed to replace Gilneas as an RP hub, and I got my hopes up that something was coming soon for Gilneas. We’ll see if that happens in 10.0

My daughter threw my wife and I an anniversary party in Boralus, where her priest officiated a renewal of our vows, and we had a banquet at the big table… it was awesome.


This is about what I expected. The Horde at large wasn’t going to be blamed for the War of Thorns, I think Genn being made to say those things to the most reasonable of Horde leaders was fairly deliberate, it paints him as more of a warmonger. Sylvanas being killed wasn’t on the table, ever, so anyone who was hoping for that hasn’t been paying attention for the last three years.

It was the only way for them to get out of the corner they’d written themselves into, I did like the touch of Tyrande sending her owl with Sylvanas (the owl is magical and immortal, after all). I’d have preferred to have never had the story end up in this state in the first place but this goes about as far as they’re able to clean up the mess… mostly.

I don’t like Anduin going off to find himself, though. Anduin being around has never been the issue, he doesn’t need to vanish, he needs to park his butt on his throne and actually govern for a few expansions as a background character. All the faction leaders do.


On Moonguard, one of the bigger RP guilds uses it a lot and I know some smaller guilds/groups use it as a staging ground for RP events concerning Lordaeron, since it’s so close by. :wolf:

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