Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

I provided you with several examples of hypocrisy that you hand-waved. But fine. I’ll try one last time to address why this character has issues from a gameplay narrative perspective with factions.

I want you to think about this question:

Is there literally any action that Tryande could do to a Horde Player or a Horde Character in the story that can’t be justified as a fair reaction by her fan base?

No matter what she does, she has infinite morality armor to the nth degree. Her fan base will always say what she does is right or justified.

This is why the character is extremely unfun to interact with for horde players.

But again, what you provided is not by any definition hypocrisy. Does it mean she was doing nice and good things? No. But it wasn’t hypocrisy, and that’s what I’m trying to get at; what exactly do you think she did that was hypocritical?

You did read where I agreed with this, right?

But being mean to your enemies is not hypocrisy.

This is why I’m asking about a language barrier. You genuinely seem to be using the word hypocrisy as a substitute for some other word that might help make sense of your argument.

Being unfun is not hypocritical unless you’re accusing others of being less fun than you. Being mean is not hypocritical unless you’re always criticizing others for being mean. Being rude is not hypocritical unless you’re harping on about how rude other people are.

Hypocrisy does not seem to mean what you think it means. What do you think it means? Maybe we can figure out what word you intend to use.

What on earth does this have to do with hypocrisy?!? Argh!!!

Thank you haha. It’s so frustrating when people ignore this.

Answer the question instead of trying to squirm out of it.

I’m not squirming out of it, I’m asking what that even has to do with hypocrisy and what you think it means.

Because it has literally nothing to do with hypocrisy.


Is there literally any action that Tryande could do to a Horde Player or a Horde Character in the story that can’t be justified as a fair reaction by her fan base?

That is still not anything at all to do with what the word hypocrisy means, nor does it involve hypocrisy in any way, shape or form.

Avoiding infinitely.

till the nelves do genocide themselves, will yeah, genocide is literally the worse thing that could happen

Well, if the nelves ever do genocide (I doubt they will since they’re the golden children) we’ll see if nelf players think it’s fair game or not since it happened to them.

Yes, you have been avoiding explaining any single instance of hypocrisy, because you clearly do not know what the word means. And I have been here, trying to help you figure out the proper word to describe your feelings, and you just keep doubling down on using the wrong word.


So just like real life? Well, Blizzard was ahead of the curve on that one.


I already told you that allying with human mages and not nightbourne due to fear of the arcane was hypocrisy. As well as freeing illidan for help and then approving his banishment once the day was won. I could also talk about her pretending she’s above forbidden rituals for power when she did the night warrior ritual for power.

Tyrande doesn’t approve of things until they are convenient for Tyrande. Azshara blasts her for this and she’s right. Lol.

But she did ally with night elven mages, they were the highborne. Did you not ask yourself why night elves can be mages now?


So we agree that this makes her refusing the allyship of the nightbourne doubly ridiculous.

She helped them…

I never said that. the reason she didnt really want to ally with them is because they did work with the Legion/she probably got WoTA flashes from everything that happened in Suramar.


That’s not the reason. Keep trying to pretend it is, but that’ll just be your head canon.

And she was very reluctant to make those allegiances, and has expressed her mistrust of their magic use. She later learns that not all mages are bad and starts letting her people even learn it. That isn’t hypocricy; it’s character growth.

Her issues with the nightborne stems as much from their actions back in the WotA (and inactions) as their use of arcane. In fact, she specifically calls out their past actions, not their current use of arcane.

That isn’t hypocrisy. It’s consistency.

But again, that’s not what happened. You’re leaving out the whole “almost broke Northrend, causing cataclysmic damage that endangered the world” bit. That also isn’t hypocrisy; she gave Illidan a chance at redeption, and he proved reckless. She agreed to a lesser punishment than before when Malfurion just unilaterally decided upon it.

By any reading, this isn’t hypocrisy at all.

When did she pretend she was against those?


She helped defanged a threat without caring about them, actually. Liadrin helped them.

“Show me direct examples so I can just disagree with them and say you’re wrong.” Riveting conversation.