Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Tyrande hating the horde in story is perfectly reasonable if horde players do not have to constantly quest with her.


But… He’s not though. Malfurion legitimately is. Illidan didn’t save all the night elves at all; he just bumbled around, sometimes making things worse, sometimes helping. And he proved letting him run free was dangerous; Well of Eternity 2.0 proved that.

You’re forgetting when the surviving highborne also proved Tyrande had good justification for distrusting arcane magic. Arcane and night elves have a history, and it isn’t a good one.

And interetsingly, the last time she saw them, their leader had made a pact with demons.

This time? Their leader had made a pact with demons.

And y’all are really overselling the interactions here. It went basically like this:

Tyrande: I don’t trust you.
Thalyssra: But why tho?
Tyrande: Uhm… Arcane magic well? Demons? There’s a theme here. You all sat back the last time the world was going to end because of demons and let me and mine do all the work while you bubbled. What’s to say if I help you, you won’t turn bad?
Thalyssra: No I won’t, I promise!!

Two years later, Tyrande was proven right not to trust the nightborne when they joined the Horde’s war efforts because Tyrande was snippy with them.

What world quest is this? Are you talking about the world quest where she lets the nightborne fight their own battles?

Like, for real?


Listen if you want to to get your face slapped while doing tyrande a million favors in questing as a horde player be my guest but the interactions with this character constantly leave a terrible after taste. She’s not appealing at all to me. I do not want more Tyrande. She’s a sanctimonous hypocrite at best and honestly I just keep rolling my eyes at how every event in the story will warp to prove her childish behavior valid only after she does an initial transgression. Hate this character. 1/10.

Not trying to hate if you like her, but oh man, I just have had enough haha.


Sounds like a you problem.


And that’s all well and good. Nobody’s out here saying you should like her or like questing with her. I hate it. I’m tired in general of questing with Alliance characters as a Horde main. I would rather have more time with Horde characters and see them developed as something other than the next major villain and their henchmen.

But that’s not what I questioned. I never asked why you don’t like questing with her. I wanted to understand things like:

Like, especially that last one. Tyrande has become the poster child of characters told by others how they need to settle the hell down. Varian did it. Elune just did it again. Malfurion shushed her to give his own spin on it.

Where is this hypocricy you keep talking about? Because like her or hate her to unreasonable levels, she’s always been a consistent hot-head who doesn’t trust easily, for good reasons.


Like, legion beats into our heads over and over again that we lose without Illidan. I think Velen is the one who grows the most in that story and goes “yeah maybe I did have the wrong approach here.”

But like… Tyrande didn’t try to banish Illidan in Legion. That was Malfurion in WCIII. And thank god he did, because it was in Outland that Illidan gathered the resources he needed to do what he did in Legion.

That’s not Tyrande being a hypocrit at all. You’re really losing me here.

No it doesnt, it literally doesnt when lillidan kills the naaru and says theres no chosen ones.

She fully agrees with the banishment tho after she gets the help she needs from him.

Not really my guy I’m just tired of playing world of nelfcraft and tyrande and malfurian being the focus of any and everything. It’s ridiculous how much horde players have to quest with your tree jesuses.


He literally almost destroyed the world again when he tried to blow up Northrend. Also, that is still WCIII. You were just saying in Legion she was a hypocrit for something-something Illidan being needed.

You’re still losing me. Are you saying WCIII Tyrande should have known about the Legion expansion almost two decades later?

The situation is a lot more nuanced then you present it.

In the dialogue from the game, Tyrande suggested that Thalyssra, if helped, could potentially become the next Elisande or Azshara, which she has not and likely will not become. Tyrande was even present with Thalyssra in the Nighthold when Thalyssra made the decision to end their reliance on the Nightwell - and still no change in Tyrande’s demeanor.

Many people say “Tyrande was written poorly to facilitate the Nightborne joining the Horde,” but her characterization as an untrusting, judgmental, and hostile individual has been a constant when ever she’s featured, however justified you may think she is in behaving that way.

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Feels like you ignored what she was saying, the nightborne literally have a History of making azsharas and elisandes


You’re just trying to deliberately not understand. Illidan takes risks to a fault and malfurian takes no risks to a fault. Sometimes one of them is right. Tyrande never thanks illidan during legion. She refuses to talk to him.

And then the Nightborne joined the Horde just in time for Teldrassil to burn, and then stuck with them right after. Because Tyrande said “I do not trust you, you might go evil”.

Yeah, Tyrande didn’t trust Thalyssra. Tyrande’s history with highborne shows why. I addressed this.

But in the end, as bad as Tyrande might look for Suramar, you have to acknowledge that Thalyssra doesn’t come out any better.


Okay but that was actually bigotry and Thalyssra is good. “Zomg tyrande was right” doesn’t hold up.

I’m really not. You’ve jumped from a WCIII reason to a Legion example. I’m not sure where the hypocricy comes in here, because you’re not showing hypocricy at all.

Maybe Hypocricy isn’t the word you want to use?

And the issue is, when Illidan is wrong, he puts the entire world at risk. It’s not like he makes small oopsies; his oopsies need other people to stop the world from burning or drowning.

That’s… Also not hypocricy?

She does thank the Horde player for delivering the letter from Illy though.

It’s definitely hypocritical to forsake the nightbourne when you’re already allied with Dalaran and human mages.

Saying “I don’t trust your social group because your social group has repeatedly nearly destroyed the world with your arcane magic” isn’t bigotry. Especially when the situation at hand is that social group once more using arcane magic in a way that threatens the world.

Honest question; is English not your primary language? You keep using words that I think might not mean what you think they mean.


I dont think you know what bigotry is and in wow elves live for thousands of years most of the nightborne are literally the same elves that did the bad stuff

We get it, you got ganked in HFP

Both sides did it. Constantly