Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Thank you. That means a lot.

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I think you are objectively wrong.

I think it is nearly impossible to have a conversation about these things, but it is weirdly better than it was. Maybe because we are all older.

I think, while some people do say “Genocide isnt bad” more people are accused of saying “genocide isnt bad” when they have done no such thing. Thats not gaslighting… at least not from the side of the generalized Sylvanas fan.


when some people want sylvanas to get away scot free, they are exactly saying that tho, that genocide isnt bad.

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Absolutely. Garrosh fans were my least favorite part of the game while playing during MoP. Some of the worst gatekeepers of a video game I had ever run into during my play.

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I have yet to see anyone on these forums suggest that, though I have been accused of saying that.


Theres defs people in these forums who wanted sylvanas to get no punishment, there was players who wanted her to get a happily ever after with nathanos

Pretty much every Sylvanas fan I see in the forums go “yeah, she has to face some consequences for what she’s done because it’s unambiguously bad.”

Meanwhile St. Tyrande can do no wrong ever. Ever.

Except, you know, being completely wrong about Illidan. But okay!


Tyrande has literally done nothing but be mean a little lol, shes the victim in the story

She condemns illidan after saving her skin multiple times lol. Hate 'er. I just think she’s a gross hypocrite.

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That was Malfurion, not Tyrande.

I believe the crux of the issue is both the expected and welcomed outcomes differ, driven by morality and investment into the medium that both types of players play upon. It’s easier to excuse the equivalent of a player who enjoys vouching for the outright evil character because by corollary of both types of players existing in real life we can unanimously recognize that such things are wrong – Or at least, God I hope so.

With poor storytelling and the feelings of bitterness, the issue has cropped up and has been beaten to death repeatedly on this subforum: Being ‘Whether the ends ultimately justify the means’ of what Sylvanas Windrunner did; only for the book to come out afterwards to try and clarify her entire ordeal and justify it for her herself.

It becomes exacerbated when the issue of Sylvanas Windrunner’s entrance into BfA was cosigning the death and destruction of Teldrassil and (near) every living being that called it home. Nailing it to the point that it was a tremendous loss of a beloved and often-played race. Soured by that there was no inherent resolution anywhere other than what we’ve seen in Shadowlands’ epilogue.

Because of how nebulous they’ve treated her it has resulted in a broken pedastal that players have been constantly trying to put back together. For some, the aspect of what she’s done sentences her to death, radicalized by it wasn’t simply Teldrassil but everything from every timeline. For others, they believe it can be justified if such things led to an equally thorough resolution delineating why it had to be done.

But, Again: To the point; there was no effective resolution. And because of there being no inherent resolution to the Banshee Queen’s actual plot point for her justification, it feels for some that anything less than execution is letting Sylvanas Windrunner ‘go’. And, in my belief, they’re kind of correct in the assumption. Granted that I personally believed Anduin Wrynn and Sylvanas Windrunner are narrative black holes for every other character within the Warcraft narrative, it’s quite clear that similarly to Illidan they’re being placed in a grey-zone that they can be pulled from whenever. And with the preconceptions that pulling Sylvanas two to three expansions down the line, her reintroduction will absolve her of what she’s done without putting actual effort into it, and for some that’s unpalatable.


Illidan is kind of this dumbass who if he just told everyone this plans or what was actually going on, no bad stuff would probably happen


Nah I remember that she supports it. Like, after setting him free in wc3 she pearl clutches over the demonic magic use.

She’s also pretty heartless to the nightbourne.

Illidan isn’t dumb he’s just a butt. Everybody and everything would have been annihilated by the legion without his tactics.

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Your main issue with Tyrande boils down to “when Illidan corrupted himself to become more and more demonic, she didn’t like it. Also, she didn’t stop Malfurion from banishing him.”

That’s… That’s it? Really?

The last time she saw them, she had just gone to war with their people for the sake of the entire planet. And by “heartless”, you actually mean “mistrustful”. Because her biggest crime here was being a little snooty. She still helped them, still fought beside them, still did what was right with them.

But she was snooty. And people have been calling out how bafflingly dumb the nightborne turning Horde over some deserved mistrust since 7.3.5.


I mean, banishing the savior of your whole society is pretty cold in my book.

But that’s just one of many many things.

I don’t like her prior extremism against arcane magic, even if Azshara did use it to commit the shatter. I don’t love her voice delivery in game. I don’t love her screeching at a horde player no matter what race you play (she sure did assist in invading and desecrating pandaria along with every other horde and alliance leader, and vulpera have no idea who this chick is. )

Literally thousands of years ago.

No she totally is okay with using nightbourne as canon fodder in a world quest and I remember it.

TL;DR, she is not the worst character morally by far. But she is definitely one of the most unpleasant to interact with.

what he isnt it, at most A savior lol

They almost got wiped in wc3 which is why tyrande released him, lol.

He wasnt even at the most important battle in that game

I apologize for this being short as I am headed to bed to take some much-needed rest.

I find that Tyrande Whisperwind’s character being mean to the horde, as a horde player and from the horde perspective, isn’t much of an issue personally. In fact I would love it if both and more factions had this as supplementary dialogue to showcase their respective organization’s hostility towards the others. Exceptions should be the irregularity; not the norm.

I don’t think that Tyrande should change who their character is, and I find most arguments against how she’s written to be either be based in anachronistic and/or push away with how much the Night Elves have been under consistent attack by the Horde. However because I find said argument not to be worthwhile doesn’t mean I am trying to invalidate the perspective of others, as I do accept that is what they hold as a player and I can see how she might be bothersome to those who do not wish to be dragged into the things they don’t wish to partake, or have never partook of.