Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

I hope so so so bad you eventually have to deal with one of your faction’s leaders doing something stupid and awful and monstrous and you’ll see how unfun it is for a video game experience lol.


So wait.

You actually unironically do think the entire Horde player base feels and thinks exactly the same?



You should have been here when it was running, while it was a great xpac, people didnt like the whole losing the war part, there was alot of drama bout how horde players couldnt side with garrosh, about the fact that the war even ended the way it did


I’m arguing that she explicitly didn’t generalize, and it was a targeted statement that you yourself took out of context and pushed forwards to include everyone who plays Horde. I can attest because I play Horde as well. Have been since Cataclysm, and my thoughts on the matter are largely different from others who’ve range from slight disagreements to 180’ing on certain matters.

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I am just saying theres alot who do just want to crap on the other faction, theres a reason why the whole tyrande and jaina are bad characters for being mad at the faction who literally killed there people.

I mainly dont want another war expac is I am tired of them being hollow, one of the worse things about the last two wars, even mop is blizzard saying the alliance won, but not showing it, not doing anything with it, I mean theres a reason the alliance is dead as a faction, and I think the story is a part of that however big or small.

I was on the internet at the time, and in game. While some of the same arguments happened, thats typical of internet neckbeards (also, I need to shave.)

And there were ill informed, and ridiculous complaints at launch. You couldnt log in without someone complaining about Jack Black pandas and pandering to a younger audience. People who played, without any understanding of the lore or history were completely ignorant that Pandaren were repeatedly requested as a playable race. Long before we got Worgen, Pandaren were on the short list.

People complain. Numbers dont lie, and hindsight is 20/20. MoP was a masterpiece and people were not angry that there was faction conflict. There had been, at the same level, since Vanilla. Garrosh just had far more toxic fans, IMO, who wanted to troll people with racism. Like, legit, horrible racism.


I suspect it was Uther TBH.

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That, uhm… Is definitely generalizing friend.


I think Sylvanas fans are worse, With all the gaslighting some of them do. I dont think most people felt garrosh was actually in the right, or morally good like they do with sylvanas even his fans, they just want evil to win, and that I find better to deal with

She didn’t identify the entirety of the playerbase in her post, and with her wording it’s easily explained that she was talking about a proponent of the playerbase; not everyone within it. Which she later clarified in another post. Her sentencing and syntax clearly state those whom she’s talking about, and not inherently everyone as it lists a criteria that, if excluded, does not have the person be included with whom she’s speaking of.

You also quoted out of context, in which she specifically clarifies ‘A bunch of them’ within her prose.

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And now we’re down to “alot”.

Kat. Like I’ve said to you since BfA when we started having these back and forths. You percieve there to be a lot because you only look for those who confirm your pre-existing bias.

Bias confirmation is not factual. It’s just your preferred bias.

I also remember MoP, and I remember Cata as well. I remember a good portion of Horde players railing against Garrosh being warchief, because we played in Thrall’s Horde. We liked the Horde who was trying to survive, not the warmongering of the Old Horde. I’m sure you didn’t notice them (your posting history all but confirms it). I remember people in MoP who hated the rebellion story because we shouldn’t be painted as traitors for trying to fight to save the Horde, but again you probably never noticed that big groundswell.


The “a bunch of them” is clearly talking about the “bunch” who want Turalyon to be a villain. The Horde players want to win all the time, a bunch want Turalyon to break bad.

I don’t think I’m the one here taking her out of context, friend. I think I’m the one reading her words as they’re written.

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Minor racial advantages led to a population imbalance. Still, hardiness is ridiculously OP for PvP.

As high end players moved to Horde, meta slaves also moved to horde creating a population problem for Alliance. It became less fun to play as alliance because there were less people to play with.

Wow tokens for game services made it possible for guilds to sell carries for enough gold to transfer their entire raid team for free to the best faction on the best server for optimization.

Merc mode neutralized one of the major down sides to playing on the overpopulated horde faction… namely, long queue times for BGs.

Playing on the largest faction is all benefit, no consequence.

None of that is story related.


You can feel whatever you want, in my own personal experiences, with horde players have been mostly awful, with being bullied and such just for picking a nelf, its partly why I am scared of the crossfaction stuff, even though I know we need it, I know I need if I want to enjoy the game and actually do raids

People often assume, because of my position on the narrative that I am a horde main.

Since I am an Alliance main with a beloved horde alt, I hope Im not tainting anyone’s opinion of Alliance players.

Its ok, I think alliance players who want the war too arent to smarts

Legit question; have you ever wondered if maybe the whole thing with generalizing the Horde into a hivemind like group, excusing any time we bring up negative experiences we have with the game with witicisms like “well that’s what you get for the Horde starting wars” and actively ignoring arguments from those Horde players who don’t fit your percieved narrative for the Horde as a faction might play into it?

Because personally, those are my only issues with you as a person. When we’re all talking about things that don’t trigger your “All Horde Are One Horde” style arguments, we’re usually on the same side of an argument, making valid and thought out points and I think “hmm. Kinda like this version of Kat, even if we might be disagreeing here”.

Like, we both agree the faction war thing was a bad idea to revisit in BfA. We both have very good, well thought out reasons for it. Those reasons might not align, but we both clearly have put thought into it.

But then it’s all “well, the Horde like faction wars”.


Honestly Mawthorne you’ve been nothing but cordial and it’s a treat to talk and discuss things with you here. I don’t think you’re poisoning the well for Alliance players. And I hope you’ll still be around to talk with somewhere in the future.

If I blank out I’d like for you to know that it’s likely my subscription has lapsed. I might be on in the future, and if not, am likely playing FFXIV.

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That definitely describes me. I depend on my friendly strangers here in the story forums to help me understand when Im wrong… and I struggle to communicate what Im sure are pretty simple things to most people.

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I dont think the horde are a hivemind tho, I mean the fourms here where split between good horde and sylvanas horde since bfa