Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

Yeah sylvanas was way more insufferable with her 5d chess crap that we had to deal with since legion


I dont know that it should be titfortat. I also found Sylvanas to be insufferable in this expansion. Ve’nari is my new waifu.

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Then I dont get why one moment was insufferable, you have to be in ardenwield to see her for the rest of the xpac

Understandable, but I actually preferred that method of revealing her as this literally and figuratively cold strategist.

lol cold strategist, none of her things made any sense it was one fat meme sylvanas always comes off as a very trumplike character, someone who thinks they are super smart and knows things, but in reality they really arent

Maybe its because wild spirits was necessary for early SV dps and Ancient Aftershock was the more enjoyable button push for prot tanking, and Faeline stomp was gorgeous
 I just got tired of hearing her lecture everyone.

I never got tired of soulshape though.

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yea genocide is bad my dude, something alot of players need to hear more judging by these forums and twitter

Blizzard did say we might return to the Shadowlands for another Expansion one day so

Realms of Torment for our next visit to the Shadowlands! Sylvanas visits various Realms of Torment that we have to make sure are fulfilling their function as she undergoes the various Torments!

The Maw was bleak, dull and dark. The Realms of Torment on the other hand will be of the sort we see in Guild Wars Nightfall’s Realms of Torment!

Fleshy Realms with hands and Organs jutting out of the ground alongside Teeth inflicting Pain, Mountains Stained with Blood driving you Mad, Nightmarish Jungles filled with Centipede Bridges and Mountain-sized Spiders and a Sulfuric Wasteland that suffocates you.

This is what I was picturing the Maw as tbh

The issue some people never seem to get is that Horde players?

We didn’t start any war. Cata/MoP? We didn’t start it. BfA? We also didn’t start it. We, like Alliance players, don’t have any choices about when wars start or end.

Which is why it’s insufferable when we’re forced to deal with Alliance characters trash talking us, characters we get saddled with dealing with every other expansion.

So when we’re complaining about how insufferable these characters we’re literally made to interact with because of game mechanics? Blaming us for other game mechanics that caused that character to trash talk us isn’t exactly the defense here.


The Horde survived in the Fourth War; even after Sylvanas abandoned her Warchief, and as of now is the Horde Council, on the other hand; The Alliance had became involved storyline to Genn Greymane and Anduin Wrynn.

Same to Prophet Velen, Yrel, Muradin, Gazlowe, Rexxar, and many others where not attended this judgment.

It’s not anymore, but as of now is being changes from the Undead Forsaken leader, even Calia need is official.

It’s look like Azmodan Hells in the Black Soulstone cinematic from Diablo III; which Azmodan is appeared here.

Nope but horde players sure like to win all the time, which is why a bunch of them want turalyon to be a villian, or for sylvanas to get out scot free, sure blizzard writes all that stuff, but horde players cheer it on, and beg for more

I honestly dont understand how a playerbase specially the hordes could want another war xpac after mop and bfa already
I feel like that fish from spongebob
how many times do they need to learn that lesson

You have this thing of assuming the entire Horde playerbase is a hive mind.

We’re not. Most Horde posters around now have openly stated they don’t want another faction war. Most of the active Horde posters are likely more sick of it than you.

Your arguments always come across as disingenuous when you come out here, laying a blanket across an entire subsection of the player base that you clearly pay as little attention to as possible, and try telling them what it is they want and enjoy.


I can only speak for myself, but I think they should take another crack at it
 maybe without black and white demonizing one side?

Its not like their big bad storylines are very good.

Focus on world building and let the alliance and horde fight over the same territory. Thats the formula. BfA sent us off to our seperate corners, sending us into proximity with the opposite faction only to inconvenience them. SL had no faction conflict whatsoever, but still had warmode with zero explanation. What were we fighting for? Headcannon? It’s not like we were conquering the territory for our faction.

This was one of the least popular expansions of all time. People loved the idea of BfA but were turned off by the execution. I say, return to the original formula for future content.

The fanbase is more than this forum and there you go

heres one now

2 war expacs that made everyone upset, and lets do more cause third try is the charm right, more dead favorite characters and more blown up cities

For myself this is going to be hard to explain. But it certainly feels, as an Alliance and Horde player, that we’re not beholden to whatever faction we pick and can disassociate ourselves from it willingly. However that willingness, in my mind, is forfeit when one starts arguing for punitive measures alongside half-hearted attempts to understand the opposing faction’s Point of View.

It’s awkward to say that the Horde Players didn’t start any wars – because obviously it’s just the players – but then get upset when they’re interacting with characters who’ve been effected by the narrative and wishing for things to be changed to suit what they wish to see. The foremost examples of such are both Jaina Proudmoore and Tyrande and the consistent, constant criticism of them being angry at the losses their people have suffered.

Such is usually coupled with trying to shove the atrocities of the Horde under the rug, but most of the complaints levied are inherently wishing for the Alliance or narrative to change other than the Horde itself – not just organizationally in how it’s led, but fundamentally as their races from the ground upwards. There’s no denying anymore that the Horde’s modus operandi is just accidentally falling over a rock and then going on to try and wipe towns, cities, and other places off the map because of a multitude of excuses. ‘A Good War’ explicitly showcases how Saurfang wished to start a war simply because of the prospect of a possible war in the future. Sylvanas even with Saurfang’s removal had the majority of the Horde’s backing in lore, it was only near the end with her misstep that she lost favour, the duel, and subsequently fled.

I don’t think Katiera is being disingenuous. I also don’t believe she’s trying to generalize. It’s just effectively tiring for Alliance mains to be greeted with derision for pointing it out, and then encapsulating their arguments in motte and baileys that prevent actual discussion from being had to properly rejuvenate World of Warcraft’s core theme. Which could be in the past. But it always was based upon the faction war.


Give it time.


MoP is regarded as a masterpiece. It is in retrospect one of the most beloved expansions of all time.

Legion had tons of faction conflict. People regularly request a return to the PvP world quests of Legion which were fun and satisfactorily rewarding.

Not everyone was upset.

Was a relief to see :poop:(Sylvanas) get flushed down the toilet.

So what, Kat? We just simply aren’t Horde players now because we’re posting on the forums?

The fact is, the only “Horde players” you’re paying any attention to are the ones saying things that feed your narrative. Of course your self-fulfilling narrartive will remain self-fulfilling. And if you do it here, I’m sure you’re doing it on Twitter. On Reddit. On whatever other sites you’re looking at top judge Horde players as a conglomerate whole off of.