Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

I will say I very much liked the Vereesa Stay a while and listen. She is quickly becoming my favorite character.

Alleria in the trash, tho.


I’ve spent a day reading a book about their family and I hate them all now.

Hours spent reading about how hard their rich people problems were and I’m ready to throw them into the Maw with their middle sister.

“We had to wear very fancy dresses at a very important party and were made to behave”


I think that throughout the entirety of this presentation there wasn’t anything or anyone more off than Tyrande with how she was portrayed, even within the context of the Shadowlands. It makes a poignant moment feel banal, and ultimately – as you’ve said – is coincidentally trying to portray a victim as an aggressor and being barely untenable because they wish for actual resolution and punitive justice.

I don’t necessarily know how I can phrase it, but hopefully the sentiment is understood by most. It’s just inherently awkward.


I agree that some people are irredeemable and unfixable, but when you can destroy souls I don’t really see why the Maw is the answer. Just let the irredeemable souls be broken down completely in Revendreth, with their anima shared with the other afterlives.

She, like Calia, didn’t get any dialogue right?

This sounds like Quel’thalas to me

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That is correct. Voss and Calia are present for the judgement in the Arbiter room and that’s it. Neither are present to witness Sylvanas jumping into the Maw. And unless they are hiding somewhere, there is no known stay awhile and listen dialogue.

I just find it weird that Anduin has to go find himself again. We already had that in Legion during patch 7.2.


Blizzard does this a lot, even if someone is in the right they like to kind of portray them in a way that makes, people who don’t really understand what is going on, kind of side with the victimizer. Golden did this kind of thing in Warcrimes too when she would have Tyrande make a point and then Baine make a counter point, then she would describe Tyrande’s face contorting as a mechanism to tell you Baine made a good point instead of having to write a good point.

It’s the same thing they do with the music, when they want you to feel like the person is bad/wrong they will play ominous music, like they do for Tyrande, when they want you to sympathize with Sylvanas they play more heroic/uplifting music. It’s all about no matter what is said, they want to present it in a way to force the people who barely pay attention during a cutscene into thinking a certain way.


If you think shes the bad guy that says alot about you, crying isnt the end all be all with victims

It does say a lot about you if you think Tyrande is the bad guy here. But just look at people’s reaction to Tyrande giving Sylvanas an insanely merciful judgement, they are calling for Tyrande’s head because they think genocide should have zero consequences and they think Tyrande is the bad guy here because of how blizzard presents it. I listed a bunch of the comments from wowhead earlier in the thread as well. This is how blizzard wants people to feel, they want you to sympathize with Sylvanas because she’s making sad face, and think Tyrande is being evil.


yeah cause horde/sylvanas fanboi dont care about genocide this or that, they just want there favorite character to win, theres is a large amount of people in this fanbase that dont care about how the stories morals are told, or this or that, they just want to win, tyrande could have gave her a hug and they’d still be mad for her sending Sylvanas to hell lol


Because it’s not just about the Night elves. She specifically says “Those you condemned or betrayed” meaning also the Horde souls that she damned by the war that she started for the express purpose of helping the Jailer. It’s about it being her responsibility. She’s the one who got them there, it’s no one else’s responsibility but hers to free them.

Not sure why Maeiv and Tyrande would help out with that, especially considering how much time it will take to do so. They still have responsibilities to their people, whereas Sylvanas forsook the Forsaken and the Horde.


She’s not a bad guy she’s just insufferable if you play a horde character. Every time you run into this character she starts to nag and belittle you and she becomes so tiresome.


Idk, Im looking forward to the inevitable future Undermine patch, but I am nervous about how preachy it might get considering the age group and location of Blizzard studios.

That said, I assume Galywix is in Undermine now with his well paid support network, hiding out from other cartel bosses looking to take a chunk out of him, but otherwise avoiding the rest of Azeroth.

You don’t have to think Tyrande is the bad guy, to find her insufferable.

Also, it sucks, because Sylvanas basically said “Please kill me, even though I know you wont because you are mean” and Tyrande said “Youre right, I wont… Im going to sentence you to an elven life sentence of labor in hell, while I think of more things to punish you.”

I dont know why people are reading it as mercy.


maybe the horde shouldnt do war crimes, or start wars

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Well then you wouldn’t have a morality complex to rp and then what would you do with yourselves?


finally enjoy a good story

We literally had to deal with Sylvanas being insufferable for the ENTIRE shadowlands expansion. Tyrande is barely even in this and she is far less annoying that Sylvanas has been. Cinematic after cinematic we were forced to listen to her, they even destroyed most of the characters in this expansion just for her story.