Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

What else could we expect?

The idea a throng of zombies would be more dangerous without a commander was always silly.

Undead had been a known thing on Azeroth forever. But an organized army of them? Supported by necromancers, plague brewers, assassins, spies, engineers, duch mothering air support in the form of gargoyles and frost wyrms?

That’s an apocalyptic problem.

On their own though? Just a throng of dumb waking meat to be wiped out. Only Scourge lieutenants could be a real trouble as they might be able to bring them up to full threat level. But without an heir apparent they were doomed to the same infighting that’s, no pun intended, plagued every other conqueror’s empire.

It was always a dumb idea but I am sad they didn’t use it to shake up the status quo. Just be more interesting to come back to an Azeroth that nearly broke itself fighting a zombie apocalypse. Because it just fought a world war then a madness tentacle apocalypse, and this all went down with most of their leadership and all of their champions mucking about in the skyhole.

It’d be a great excuse for plenty of 3rd parties like the Scarlets, Burning Blade, etc. to swell their numbers and gain greater ground.


I think Umbric mentions getting Quel’thalas back into the Alliance as something he wants as well.

With Anduin gone and Blizzard deciding Genn’s only character trait is “Mad At The Horde” when he’s not “Adopted Dad” it’s the only time they could pull it off in the story.

I’d like to think they wouldn’t do it since they’re literally slowly introducing cross faction play in the next patch, but there are a lot of things I didn’t think they’d do.

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Because nothing about this makes any sense at all.

Tyrande and Maiev at least have the excuse of being leaders of the living (or Tyrande does). Maiev is… a Warden and one of the best trackers in the history of the World…of Warcraft. Hunting things down is like… her thing.

Her not going down? Seems weird, but her entire being in the Shadowlands was weird.

But all of that ignores the point that the Covenants can enter and leave the Maw and get them.


Okay so at least I don’t feel alone in this.

Meh its very least they can do for Sylvanas. It not like I wanted her to come back to the Horde because being in the Horde is just a death sentence for anyone a part of it. Things I like:

  • Sylvanas controlled her own fate
  • Windrunner sisters having one more meeting. (Sad look on Vereesa was a nice touch)
  • Sylvanas having a few nice parting words for the Horde PC if you were loyal to her.

All and all having to scavenger hunt night elf souls isn’t much a punishment which is fine by me. Souls that will be fuel for an already AWFUL afterlife (Which lets be honest bring them into undeath was doing them a favor) which sadly never really gets addressed but whatever I guess.


Azshara pretty much squeaks by because it had like one questchain on each side before cata (and the original horde one got culled at some point) but even then a lot of the drive to not have full proper cities fro both was that it meant having to design leveling paths.

Of course rearranging zones so Silverpine is a shared zone would have solved that in the first place

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It’ll always remain bizarre to me they come off best in the Horde Silverpine questline. Because my reaction was;

And then they completely fall off the face off the Earth after two quests in Hillsbrad.

Ah so they must be in Kalimdor menacing the Orcs I figured. That too would be an interesting match up. Inverts both the Orcish wolf symbology and their usual physical superiority to humans. That could be interesting.

But instead there’s just kinda nothing. There’s one subplot in Duskwood. Otherwise the other best stuff is in Booty Bay.

Just a baffling experience. I was alt tabbing out every hour. I had to be missing something, right?


Speaking of which: 9.2.5 Datamining mentions Scourge incursions getting bad with how bad it being at Quel’Thalas being evidence of how bad the Scourge must be in Northrend.

Furthermore the Dragonblight Map Datamined shows Galakrond being missing.

Galakrond is the biggest Necromancer by size with Lady Deathwhisper being the most powerful Necromancer!

Sindragosa was been back since Legion as well. The Scourge is at full power and not missing anyone except for Kel’Thuzad and the Lich King!

Lady Deathwhisper alongside Sindragosa, Anub’arak, the Four Horsemen of Naxxramas, Blood-Queen Lana’thel, Professor Putricide, Dar’Khan Drathir(who is suspiciously not leading the Scourge at Deatholme in 9.2.5) and Galakrond will be leading the Scourge without Arthas controlling the situation!

Right when the Scourge Leadership is no longer being held back by the 2 Bosses!

Of the Night Elven Leaders it seems that Tyrande, Maiev and Shandris are showing patience with the Horde yet we hear nothing about Malfurion who currently has Green Eyes and has shown hotheaded impatience in his history just like Tyrande once did!

“The vassal of Life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.” - Il’gynoth

Malfurion, Turalyon, Danath Trollbane, Admiral Rogers and Genn Greymane succumbing to bloodlust alongside Talanji and Geya’rah with all of them becoming Raid Bosses is what we should be expecting.

The world seeing the price of Vengeance driving War will probably drive the next Expansion.

Let’s not forget that the Cataclysm War was initiated by Varian while the BfA was initiated by fears orchestrated by Genn’s attack on Sylvanas during Stormheim.

The Warmongers on the Horde-side were enabled by the Vengeance-seekers providing an excuse to start Wars! Tear down the Vengeance-seekers in leadership positions while allowing them to reveal just how bad their lust for Vengeance is is the key to ending the Conflict.

MoP showed the dangers of Racism, BfA showed the dangers of Blind Loyalty and now the next Faction War will show the dangers of Vengeance!

Any Faction War that shows the dangers of Capitalism would be run by the House of Nobles’ schemes logistically as Gallywix has ditched the Horde.

Oh I completely agree. That whole thing, along with, “There must always be…a Lich King!” was the first time the lore made me go, “Wait…what?” It’s more for meta reasons I find it amusing. A previous team made an absurd lore point for future meta reasons, then the different, current team absurdly dismisses that lore point for their own meta reasons. The viability and coherence of the franchise’s worldbuilding isn’t even an afterthought.


Seriously was that ever suggested before?

I just remember being completely baffled. Starring at my computer screen. By the end of Legion I was waiting for someone to say;

“But now the Legion will be even more dangerous without Sargeras! Quick! Somebody sit in his chair and make a disgruntled face at the camera for the foreseeable future!”


Yeah if there’s one entity that can validly lecture people about capitalism, it’s Activision Blizzard Incorporated, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation

Blizzard didn’t even begin to put an internal lore bible together until Cata/Mists.

They don’t care about Lore except that some of their fans care about Lore.

Not a bit. It was completely out of left field at the end of ICC. In fact, everyone was expecting the opposite to happen. The last time the Lich King lost control of a chunk of the Scourge, they regained their minds and became the first gen Forsaken. I remember leading up to Fall of the Lich King, people were speculating that the post-Arthas motivation for the Forsaken and Sylvanas was going to be helping the newly-freed legions of undead.

Seriously though.

Gilneas was down the street. We had a BG going. The Forsaken finally had a proper archnemesis.

Even if they couldn’t make any human corpse join them, they were still basically disagreeable buffet tables, and more to the point it really seemed like the devs were shipping the Orcs and Humans.

Which made sense as the Goblins provided a much more interesting foil to the Kaldorei. They’re about as diametrically opposed as foes can hope to be.

It was weird the Forsaken fought the humans at Andorhal. In a

Bro are you serious? Look where we are. The Scourge is right there. You understand you’re lucky if we get to your corpse first, right?

Kinda way but w/e Silverpine was a draw and Hillsbrad was an apology for having it be an unplayable gank fest from Vanilla to Wrath. Maybe they felt the Forsaken needed a proper win. Fair enough.

But after Stormheim I figured oh okay so they do know how to put the Worgen in full effect. Clearly I’ve to be missing something.

I’ve never been more confused. It’s like the Alliance just forgot about a playable faction. That’s why Booty Bay floored me the way it did. Because I’d given up. Duck it I’ll do some pirate stuff since they won’t let me do werewolf stuff. And that’s where the werewolf pirate stuff was which was a nice surprise but way to bury the lead.


The Scourge was defeated before any faction hostilities resumed, as per Thassarian and Koltira’s agreement.


The Shoes snark and then you step in Ogre poop…

wow lore is so broken players cant even agree to whats facts

I’m not sure if this was included yet… It’s the entire quest chain, with the various character dialogues from the sentencing moment. The stay and listen dialogue however is not included.

Note: For some reason even though Voss was present, she isn’t included in the name of NPCs. I guess the writer didn’t notice her behind Calia.


Voss didn’t even get a “stay and listen” which was a bit disappointing.

Why do they keep ignoring the most interesting character they’ve written?!

Probably because the WoW writing team didn’t do it. And they’ve no earthly idea what to do with a legitimately compelling character.